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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendomination increasing...

@Konnichiwa: Stop feeding the damn troll.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

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trestres said:
@Konnichiwa: Stop feeding the damn troll.

@Impulsivity: I won't waste my time with a person like you, you don't deserve it.

Isn't that feeding him?


You know as much as I hate the word its the only way I can describe what Impulsivity is bringing to this post. Its "lulz".

Now, THAT was interesting (and the colours are great to distinguish systems at a glance). Thanks a lot for the effort. This analysis deserves a thread with a better title.

"- Mario Kart DS (to date) has outsold GTA4 on both platforms combined"

uhh.. shams are you serious? what kind of comparison is that? .. a game, that is over 2 years on the market vs one that has been released 7 weeks (6 weeks of sales data available) ago ?

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Roffle, Impusively sounds like Jandre on crack. Review scores, technology, etc.

I haven't laughed this hard in awhile. MOAR! I want to see MOAR of his trolling!

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

 Claude you get you're wish mate, I'll feed the troll. First a breath of fresh air, the supidity is killing me. Ok, here-a I Goooo! ;)
Impulsivity said:
Desroko said:
The troll also relies on reviewers to tell him what to think, instead of deciding that matter for himself.

 I played almost all the 9+ games on both systems (with the exception of Zack and Wiki whatever that is) and I have to say every Wii game, even with the different controls, was the same game I played on the N64.  The controls were different but in most cases it makes control more frustrating. (This is merely a matter of opinion. I found Zelda to be a lot better playable - shooting youre bow for instance.)

 Its far harder to play twilight princess then it was to play orcania of time, ditto for smash bros (which is AWFUL to play with the wii mote).  (That is why they made the option for the classic controller and the wavebird. My nephew prefers the mote)

The remote does lend itself to mini games like Wii Sports or probably carnival games but except for Resident Evil 4 I have found the PS3 to control infinately better and all the Wii games to be very derivitive. (Again, opinion. I for one struggled on the PS3 controller fo GTA4 but found the X360 remote a lot better.)

On the other hand with GTA4 and MGS4 I had a ton of wow moments that reminded me why I like video games in the first place.  The attention to detail, the story, the characters, the game play, its all revolutionary and amazing.  If you can point to a single point at which you felt a strong connection to the characters or were really blown away by something completely unexpected and amazing in one of the first party Wii games please, feel free to share. (No more heroes. You undoubtedly have not heard of it and I doubt you would get the meta-story and gamers-critique  if it would hit you in the face)

     Similarly awesome and expansive was Oblivion, Call of Duty 4 was the most intense photo realistic game I've ever seen (I got a PC for that) until MGS4 blew it away, Ratchet and Clank was a fun platformer easily on par with the Mario or Banjo Kazoee games (Yeah, I also enjoyed the shortness that was R&C. Also, it was riddled with the same mini-games you accused the wii of.), Resistance was a very fun and incredibly original FPS game that made the field of Halo clones and WW2 sims look positively boring by comparison (Strange, Resistance on metacritic get a lot of critique for being run of the mill even on metacritic - a source you frequently sited).   Ninja Gaiden Sigma was the most challenging game I've played and required lightning reflexes that would be impossible with the wiimote (Red steel?), Rock band was the most fun multi player experience I've ever had (also impossible on the Wii are the download songs since the Wii has no HD) (The wii is THE multiplayer console, period. Just look in you're local media or on this forum. People whip it out for company. Also, what does HD have to do with the ability to download song? By my knowledge that boild down to if you have Wi-Fi or not).  Pro Evolution Soccer was very fun and realistic if you like soccer (football, idiot. And PES is also on the Wii) and MotorStorm was one of the best release games I've ever played with a great original racing experience (Again, pure opinion. As a comparison I put my nephew behind Motorstorm yet found the wii wheel and mario kart a lot more original).  Uncharted was like a modern Indiana Jones and was both cinematic and exciting (So was the Indiana Jones movie).  What the PS3 has that the Wii doesn't have is the ability to have sweeping cinematic game experiences (Like Okami? Resident Evil? Even Smash brawl has cinematics that could be calles sweeping) that really impress and aren't just been there done that rehashes (This has been covered by TRetess I believe. Also before you bring up unchartered again, look on the internet for "Zero Punctuation - yahtzee - unchartered review". "An envelope would be pushed further if it was placed in front of a glacier").  Maybe nostalgia does it for you but I don't want to play rehashes of the same games I used to love when I was 4 on the NES (Instead, you play what you loved when you where... what, 12 on the PSone?).  I play the Nintendo games occasionally but I've never found myself up for 10 hours past when I should have headed to bed riveted by any modern Nintendo game like I was with MGS4 last night. (again, opinion. Happens to me a lot)


   Quality cinematic games do sell (Thank god for that eh. Wasn't Haze supposed to be cinematic aswell?).  The top all time sellers that weren't bundled are high end games like the GTA games, Gran Turismo (which is as different from Mario Kart as you can get) games and plenty of other high end mature console games from about 2 years into the new consoles life cycle on.  Feel free to look at the top games of the last 2 gens for plenty of proof.  There are enough people who aren't satisfied with Imagine Babies to let the cream sell as it should. Restricitng it to two generations? Tsk, Tsk...)

You're argumentation is severaly flawed impulsivity. There's a lot to pick from in your debate but I shall limit myself to technology. You define it by what is cutting edge. You define innovation by what is the pinnacle of what a device is capable of producing whilst innovation covers a wide variety of subjects. Take a look at this matrix:

Basicly it says that between business and social innovation is a huge difference. I consider Sony's innovation o be pure business - we make better components and thus we innovate. Nintendo on the other hand changes the wya we play and innovates on a social component - the aptly named Wii. Their innovation thus outgrows merely the use of better components.According to the matrix Nintendo even innovates further then Sony but I will not go too much off topic here.

Basicly it says this: Sony get's the technophiles. Nintendo wins everyone. And not just the puzzlemaniacs. I advise you to gain some insight and look up Malstroms articles.

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