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Forums - Sony Discussion - Your prediction regarding MGS4 Japan's First day number

190k first day

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It's kind of hard to make a prediction when The Boss just gave his prediction. I'd go with 230k. That said, you really overdid the =) face Crazzyman.



300K first day... way above my expectation... i was expecting 500k LTD for Japan.. but look like it might just reach 800k and if very very very lucky may touch 1M in Japan only..

Yeah, if you assume the bundles sell well (about 100k of them I believe), which have not been included yet in the 300k number and then the rest of the sales over the week, it is definitely possible to see a 430k-450k number, and maybe even a 500k number for week one. I think even if it sells gangbusters it probably won't break 600k.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

Wow alot of people underestimated it. This could do 500k first week. (includes bundles)

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600k for first week MGS 4 sales in Japan. MGS 4 sold 300k on first day in Japan.

Lol, even CrazzyMan underestimated it...he only predicted 240k first day sales.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

I wasn't able to log on to VGchartz so I missed this thread. I would have probablly said around 300k... look at MGS2 the first MGS on Ps2. (And that didn't have bundles.)

well LOL at all of those under 300k... it did 300k without bundles LOL

i predict 300k without bundles, upss, too late.