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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why wasn't Tales of Destiny 2 (ToD's sequel, not ToE) released in the West?

Because Namco-Bandai are idiots.
See Tales of Innocence as an other good example for my thesis.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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Probably same story as Eternal Sonata... already released on another console, so total waste to release it again on a different console. Will happen with Tales of Vesperia as well when it will release on the PS3. "Japan only", unless Europe likes to pick it up.

And yes... Namco are ^$^&**# idiots!

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Tales of Destiny and Tales of Destiny 2 (Eternia) were a big failure in North America. I think that´s reason enough for Namco not to release it overseas. Just like they didn´t release Tales of Legendia and especially Tales of the Abyss in Europe!

Soriku said:

 RPGs weren't evren all that popular in the West until FF VII was out.

ToD is a 1997 jRPG like FFVII and ToE came out in 2000. And the old DQ and FF sold better than Tales in N.A.

Soriku said:
 Tales of games are more popular now than then

 Worldwide yes, in Japan though no. Just like the old FE that sold well over 0,5 million copies in Japan, but current ones barely manage 150k-200k.


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You know what the funny thing is? They released TOD 2 in Korea. It was fully translated into korean including voice acting. I beat the Korean version, so Im not sweating it, but it is kind of funny how they released the game in such a small market while ignoring Europe and NA.

mroseneo said:
You know what the funny thing is? They released TOD 2 in Korea. It was fully translated into korean including voice acting. I beat the Korean version, so Im not sweating it, but it is kind of funny how they released the game in such a small market while ignoring Europe and NA.
Korea has low expectations for console game sales since there, PC games are what are cool


Soriku said:
I think that's a good enough reason to localize it then.

Yes it is. We Europeans got ToE for PSP, but so far I don´t know about the rest. I wish one day they release Tales of Rebirth in Europe.

Riachu said:
mroseneo said:
You know what the funny thing is? They released TOD 2 in Korea. It was fully translated into korean including voice acting. I beat the Korean version, so Im not sweating it, but it is kind of funny how they released the game in such a small market while ignoring Europe and NA.
Korea has low expectations for console game sales since there, PC games are what are cool


Well we have

- Tales of Eternia (PSP)
- Tales of the World (PSP)
- Tales of Phantasia (GBA)
- Tales of Symphonia (GC)

Is ToS for the Wii releasing in Europe?

It's probably a combination of Namco being weary for Tales releases in the US because they never knew how to advertise them, and SCEA blocking 2D games from localization.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"