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Forums - General Discussion - Oil prices will double within a year.

Rock_on_2008 said:
ItalianBoyPhil said:
I hate England.
I hope that the whole goverment die. or not.
But seriously, the country will turn against itself.
Oil prices where I am are £1.20 per litre or $2.40 USD, there nearly the same as a US Gal.

 Oil prices in Saudi Arabia are at 10 cents per Litre. Move to Saudi Arabia people. lol.

Haha, great. I hope I do...


Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...

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ItalianBoyPhil said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
ItalianBoyPhil said:
I hate England.
I hope that the whole goverment die. or not.
But seriously, the country will turn against itself.
Oil prices where I am are £1.20 per litre or $2.40 USD, there nearly the same as a US Gal.

Oil prices in Saudi Arabia are at 10 cents per Litre. Move to Saudi Arabia people. lol.

Haha, great. I hope I do...

 Fall of a cliff and die italianboy. You should get a ban for your anti english crap.

mmm here in venezuela, gasoline is the cheapest in the world.. at 0.05 $/ltr.. i can fill the tank of a hyunadi getz with 2$....


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we can fill the tank with 5 billion $$$$$

consoles i own ps12 gba ds gc wii

its not low supply its the gas companies are jacking it up

consoles i own ps12 gba ds gc wii

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No way it will double, in fact I think it'll start going down after the summer - in the U.S. anyways. This could be one of those election year thing to stir people up.
Saudi Arabia announced that they will produce more.
The U.S. is thinking about drilling again - haven't done this in a long time.
Alternatives to oil are being studied - I think I read that U.S. decreased it's use of oil. There are techs that could burn coal without damaging the air.

No way that oil producing countries can continue to allow the prices to up.
I hope Venezuela and others will raise the price, so most of the western world don't have to depend on them. (oil and those countries)

Oil is a HUUUGE bubble and it'll eventually pop. Commodities investors are having a field day with Oil, making boatloads of $$$ of the backs of hardworking middleclass citizens. I hope the bubble bursts and the vast majority of them lose ALL of their money so they can feel the pinch everyone else is feeling.

*reads thread. Gets nervous*
Who wants pie?

rendo said:
Oil is a HUUUGE bubble and it'll eventually pop. Commodities investors are having a field day with Oil, making boatloads of $$$ of the backs of hardworking middleclass citizens. I hope the bubble bursts and the vast majority of them lose ALL of their money so they can feel the pinch everyone else is feeling.
Yes...I also think it will eventually crash - and crash hard.


Peak oil