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Forums - Sony Discussion - Wal-Mart corporate confirms $100 PS3 gift card ,YES, even the MGS 4 bundle

Phendrana said:
^^I got the 80gb MGS4 bundle along with GTA4 and DMC4. It was the last one in stock too.

It's great so far. Haven't even started MGS yet, but the other two games have been a lot of fun. I'm thinking about picking up Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank once my plate is a little less full, but first I'm saving up for an HD tv to go along with it.

 You like games with the number 4 in then i guess lol


O yh and i love your avatar, kind of made me jalous thinking shit i should of got a tom and jerry one lol 

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Yeah, that part was crazy. It was great turning on the PS3 and having that be the first thing I saw. I'm really liking DMC so far, maybe even more than GTA.


lol I noticed that too. And to make it worse, if I don't get R&C or Uncharted, the next game I'm getting is Soul Calibur 4. @_@ I feel like I need to buy something else just to break up the monotony.

Congratz and enjoy!

out of interest, what PS3 firmware version did your bundle ship with?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

I got the bundle also, used the gift card on Uncharted and Burnout Paradise. I played in mgs up to the point where you get the robot that follows you then I started some Uncharted and I just couldn't put it down.

cwbys21 said:
I got the bundle also, used the gift card on Uncharted and Burnout Paradise. I played in mgs up to the point where you get the robot that follows you then I started some Uncharted and I just couldn't put it down.

 did you see the MGS cow robot thing following you?,,,it is like a movie in the game,,,,when you get a hang of controls from start manu ,,,you will be enjoying the game 100 times more.


uncharted is,,,,welll I freaking love uncharted,,,


how are you liking these 2 games(uncharted and MGS4)?btw burnout paradise is one of my fav games aswell ,,,you ahve a very good taste in games man ;)




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except for breaks for bathroom and food and to come on here I played uncharted all day and well into the night. the game is just to awesome. i'm not to sure what the hell I am supposed to do in burnout, I just like to cruse around destroying as many cars as possible. I've entered only a handful of races and that mostly because it is fun to try to wreck those guys into other cars.