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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just got a Sega Saturn ^.^

disolitude said:
I really hope saturn emulation picks up soon. Thats one thing that will make me buy a PSP again...
Otherwise, congrats on your purchase. I still suggest modding it to play all those games you want cause it will cost you way too much otherwise. If the saturn you bought has round buttons instead of the oval ones, its moddable.

 If its moddable, I'll mod it. If not, I'll probably buy some of the games... rayman and astal for sure. Do you think that it is worth getting a light gun and a few light gun games if I already have virtua cop? and what good light gun games are there besides area 51 and virtua cop 2?

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Hawkeye said:
ToastyJaguar said:
i recommend that everyone go on Ebay and pick up a Saturn, they are very cheap.

I still got mine from 1997 but it broke a few years ago and got a new one with 10 games for £30!.

Retro systems all the way.

If only Panzer Dragoon Saga was cheaper...

yeah, I know. How much do you think Dragon force and shining force 3 are worth?

Also, if I have Sonic R for GC, is it worth getting at $11 for saturn for collections sake?

 Dragon force and shining force 3 are awesome games, well worth 50 or $60, probably not too much more than that.  I personally owned both those games (sold them though).  Even if for some reason you don't like them that much, you can sell them back at a similar price, these games aren't going down in price, only up.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

does anybody remember how expensive the saturn was? launch price in america was $400

Hawkeye said:
segajon said:
don't rub it in, i regret selling mine 2 years ago, get clockwork knight and sonic R both are great games, R is a sonic racing game. both kick ass.

 I have Sonic R for Sonic Gems Collection (GC) I really like the paradise island level and its music, but the game is too short- takes about 45 minutes to complete. Unlocking all the characters took a few hours. Is clockwork knight 2 worth getting? It is supposedly better, but costs $25... the original costs about $8.

never played clockwork knight 2, i just remember clockwork knight 1 was amazing.

johnsobas said:
Hawkeye said:
ToastyJaguar said:
i recommend that everyone go on Ebay and pick up a Saturn, they are very cheap.

I still got mine from 1997 but it broke a few years ago and got a new one with 10 games for £30!.

Retro systems all the way.

If only Panzer Dragoon Saga was cheaper...

yeah, I know. How much do you think Dragon force and shining force 3 are worth?

Also, if I have Sonic R for GC, is it worth getting at $11 for saturn for collections sake?

Dragon force and shining force 3 are awesome games, well worth 50 or $60, probably not too much more than that. I personally owned both those games (sold them though). Even if for some reason you don't like them that much, you can sell them back at a similar price, these games aren't going down in price, only up.

 I KNOW I would LOVE shining force 3- I love strpgs, and I had shining force dark dragon on my GBA. Even though it was a bad copy and couldn't save, it was very fun. Dragon force looks like a huge epic battle SRPG. very very cool. Hadn't thought about selling back. I bet I could buy Panzer Dragoon saga, gaurdian heroes, and chirstmas nights and then sell em back. I dont think ill buy albert oddessy though- that one looks like it  might go down. If i buy shining force 3 and dragon force I wont sell em back!

Around the Network
segajon said:
does anybody remember how expensive the saturn was? launch price in america was $400

 It started at $400 but dropped to $200 by the end of the next year to compete with Sony's $200 system. I think games were $60, not sure. If so, adjusted for inflation the system would have launched around $700 and had $90 games.

Hawkeye said:
johnsobas said:
Hawkeye said:
ToastyJaguar said:
i recommend that everyone go on Ebay and pick up a Saturn, they are very cheap.

I still got mine from 1997 but it broke a few years ago and got a new one with 10 games for £30!.

Retro systems all the way.

If only Panzer Dragoon Saga was cheaper...

yeah, I know. How much do you think Dragon force and shining force 3 are worth?

Also, if I have Sonic R for GC, is it worth getting at $11 for saturn for collections sake?

Dragon force and shining force 3 are awesome games, well worth 50 or $60, probably not too much more than that. I personally owned both those games (sold them though). Even if for some reason you don't like them that much, you can sell them back at a similar price, these games aren't going down in price, only up.

I KNOW I would LOVE shining force 3- I love strpgs, and I had shining force dark dragon on my GBA. Even though it was a bad copy and couldn't save, it was very fun. Dragon force looks like a huge epic battle SRPG. very very cool. Hadn't thought about selling back. I bet I could buy Panzer Dragoon saga, gaurdian heroes, and chirstmas nights and then sell em back. I dont think ill buy albert oddessy though- that one looks like it might go down. If i buy shining force 3 and dragon force I wont sell em back!

 yea guardian heroes is a must buy and it's less expensive than those other games, but I don't think christmas nights is that great if you already have nights.  Though like i said you aren't losing much money by buying it and selling it.  I would have to highly recommend shining force 3, dragon force, and guardian heroes.  Those are probably the best games on the saturn.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

i actually have dark savior also, it's a pretty outdated game but try to get into it a little bit it's really not that bad. Kinda shocking how much slowdown there is though.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Welcome to 1995 I am listening to some grudge by the way, anyways here is Polly.



Wow. You got hooked up. The Saturn is a legend!