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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Friend get friend, why the Xbox360 will do well this year.

Relias said:
I think there's to many PC games on that list..... I'm sticking with my original opinion.

Pc games aren't Coop in the same way and many of the games are RPGs which attract a different market segment.


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The OP is right on about everything thats exactly why i bough my 360 to play online with Halo 3 and what not and im very happy with it many of my friends bought a 360 for the same reason

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Squilliam said:
Gazz said:

I was talking about how games for the Xbox360 coming this year. We know what the Wii is like and we know what the PS3 is like, since this is a Microsoft only forum its my choice whether or not to mention the other consoles.

Heres the full list of games that I think will help to draw people to the console through multiplayer - local/online.

Blood Bowl-Q4 2008
Developer: Cyanide
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive

Fable 2-October 2008
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Publisher: Microsoft
360 Exclusive

Gears of War 2-November 2008
Developer: Epic Games
Publisher: Microsoft
360 Exclusive

Halo Wars-October 2008
Developer: Ensemble Studios/Bungie Software
Publisher: Microsoft
360 Exclusive

Huxley-November 2008
Developer: Webzen
Publisher: Webzen

Left 4 Dead-November 2008
Developer: Valve
Publisher: EA

Sacred 2-Fallen Angel-TBA 2008
Developer: Ascaron Entertainment
Publisher: CDV

Too Human-August 19th 2008
Developer: Silicon Knights
Publisher: Microsoft
360 Exclusive

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures-TBA 2008
Developer: Funcom
Publisher:Eidos Interactive

Its a strategy game, two FPSers that will have awesome Coop - especially Left 4 Dead as its a new franchise. Then we have a fair few RPGs and MMORPGs coming and they are easy to play, they have wide appeal and they look like some quite good games for people to play together. There are a few more that I don't know much about, but those are what could be either significant or moderately good for people to get their friends involved with the Xbox360. The greatest force in marketing is word of mouth, and these games by offering Coop are a great way of spreading it.

I don mind you talking about the best points off the 360. They should however be the best points of the 360 , you just made a list of some general things and made them sound like noone else had them. I never touched the list of games you put there as you may have noticed since some of them are what defines the 360 and seperates them from the rest.

The list you made now is full off titles that can be bought cheaper on PC. If anything, a lot of these titles are more likely to draw people to pc if they look at the price difference. Put in the cost of the ad suported live you still have to pay for and numerous people that don have a 360 yet will simply get it on pc. 

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


Gazz said:
Squilliam said:
Gazz said:

I was talking about how games for the Xbox360 coming this year. We know what the Wii is like and we know what the PS3 is like, since this is a Microsoft only forum its my choice whether or not to mention the other consoles.

Heres the full list of games that I think will help to draw people to the console through multiplayer - local/online.

Blood Bowl-Q4 2008
Developer: Cyanide
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive

Fable 2-October 2008
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Publisher: Microsoft
360 Exclusive

Gears of War 2-November 2008
Developer: Epic Games
Publisher: Microsoft
360 Exclusive

Halo Wars-October 2008
Developer: Ensemble Studios/Bungie Software
Publisher: Microsoft
360 Exclusive

Huxley-November 2008
Developer: Webzen
Publisher: Webzen

Left 4 Dead-November 2008
Developer: Valve
Publisher: EA

Sacred 2-Fallen Angel-TBA 2008
Developer: Ascaron Entertainment
Publisher: CDV

Too Human-August 19th 2008
Developer: Silicon Knights
Publisher: Microsoft
360 Exclusive

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures-TBA 2008
Developer: Funcom
Publisher:Eidos Interactive

Its a strategy game, two FPSers that will have awesome Coop - especially Left 4 Dead as its a new franchise. Then we have a fair few RPGs and MMORPGs coming and they are easy to play, they have wide appeal and they look like some quite good games for people to play together. There are a few more that I don't know much about, but those are what could be either significant or moderately good for people to get their friends involved with the Xbox360. The greatest force in marketing is word of mouth, and these games by offering Coop are a great way of spreading it.

I don mind you talking about the best points off the 360. They should however be the best points of the 360 , you just made a list of some general things and made them sound like noone else had them. I never touched the list of games you put there as you may have noticed since some of them are what defines the 360 and seperates them from the rest.

The list you made now is full off titles that can be bought cheaper on PC. If anything, a lot of these titles are more likely to draw people to pc if they look at the price difference. Put in the cost of the ad suported live you still have to pay for and numerous people that don have a 360 yet will simply get it on pc. 

I wasn't talking "the best points" I was talking about the best exclusive Coop/Multiplayer oportunities that are exclusive to the Xbox360 console.

The close tie in with the PC is an advantage, not a disadvantage. No other console gets as many cross platform titles and it supports both platforms with games that would otherwise have not been made. Im a PC gamer by heart, I have two gaming PCs as well as a full complement of consoles. Im not talking about my own preferences or what I will do, Im talking about the actions of others and how they respond to the chance to buy these games and how they could quite easily help spread the Xbox360s market influence because of "Social interactions of gamers". If your friends got an Xbox360 and you want to play the game with him, you're not going to consider upgrading your pc if you really want to play that game, you're more likely to buy a 360.

I will probably play quite a few of these titles with Xbox360 owners on this site. I don't care that I have a pc gaming machine, its the social interaction im looking for.


Squilliam said:
starcraft said:
Shame I'm off to bed.
Everything in your OP is full of win.

More comments tomorrow if the thread survives.

Night Squilliam.


Im off to bed too, im well overdue myself. Damn Civ IV makes me stay up!

One last point:

Microsoft understands network effects better than most companies in existance. Their entire business model depends on it. So it makes sense that they would implement their strategies around causing people to bring their friends into their camp. Thats the reason why they implemented multiplayer so strongly and why they included a headset in the Pro model. Its to get people to involve their friends.

Granted, the Wii's done it better so far but it looks like the lineup of games come together so well on this point that it scares me.


Lol.  But I royally suck at the game, so I have to stay up to get better. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
Squilliam said:
starcraft said:
Shame I'm off to bed.
Everything in your OP is full of win.

More comments tomorrow if the thread survives.

Night Squilliam.


Im off to bed too, im well overdue myself. Damn Civ IV makes me stay up!

One last point:

Microsoft understands network effects better than most companies in existance. Their entire business model depends on it. So it makes sense that they would implement their strategies around causing people to bring their friends into their camp. Thats the reason why they implemented multiplayer so strongly and why they included a headset in the Pro model. Its to get people to involve their friends.

Granted, the Wii's done it better so far but it looks like the lineup of games come together so well on this point that it scares me.


Lol.  But I royally suck at the game, so I have to stay up to get better. 


Its an awesome game, I own warlords and Civ IV but I downloaded beyond the sword because I was lazy and wanted to have a lookie. I think once I get used to it, it will be even better. The AI plays much smarter and less predictibly.

Im currently playing as a Noble - Medium I guess, but I used to be able to win 80% of the time on price. I kinda don't have the attention span at the moment. Sometimes im playing civ 4 and every few turns I hit refresh on the main page to see if anything interesting is happening.

What Civs do you like? I almost always go brits because they have a rocking start and financial lets me pay for a big empire. I should try going a religious civ and get some $$$ thru religeon.


I picked up the "complete" thingo with sword and warlords included a week ago. I suck, but I'm slowly getting better lol.

I've been playing as the Japanese a lot lately. I've honestly never seen a game like it. Its scope and depth is incredible. Theres always something else that can be researched, always another trade deal that can be negotiated.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Thing is that it will eat a lot of your time! But you can save some by using the accelerated start option.

Also, if your civ starts with mining - heres a killer start. Have your first unit scout in a circle around your first city. Get bronze working as your first tech, then make your first 3 units to produce - Worker, Worker, Settler. Use the workers to cut trees 100% of the time if you can until the settler comes out. At this point you can decide - if you get bronze, whether or not you want to go on the attack. The other techs you get at this time depend on what resources you have near your first city. Lots of food? Get Pottery, Animals? Get animal husbandry or hunting.


Squilliam said:

Thing is that it will eat a lot of your time! But you can save some by using the accelerated start option.

Also, if your civ starts with mining - heres a killer start. Have your first unit scout in a circle around your first city. Get bronze working as your first tech, then make your first 3 units to produce - Worker, Worker, Settler. Use the workers to cut trees 100% of the time if you can until the settler comes out. At this point you can decide - if you get bronze, whether or not you want to go on the attack. The other techs you get at this time depend on what resources you have near your first city. Lots of food? Get Pottery, Animals? Get animal husbandry or hunting.

Thanks for the tips.  I've been so lost trying to do everything.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS