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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - GamePro hearing rumors of an “all-new (Nintendo) game with new characters"

tabsina said:
i'll give you an example of one from GC - Animal Crossing GC ..

Actually Animal Crossing (Animal Forest) was on the N64 first, the GCN port wasn't technically a new IP.

yushire said:
Kid Icarus for the Wii finally confirmed? :/

Kid Icarus is not a new IP with new characters. All of you hoping for a revival of some obscure Nintendo franchise should lay those hopes to rest, that's not what this is talking about.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

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love the way people try to guess a new ip - guess by new it means something we dont know of.


sc94597 said:

Lol they make it sound like it happens every thousand years. I'm pretty sure nintendo announces about 3 new ips a year. They might not all be hardcore but they are new.

I agree though I hope it's some kind of rpg.


No Nintendo does not announce at least three new IP's a year. I'd say during the GameCube generation Nintendo would announce about 1 new IP each year. I mean AnimalCrossing, Pikmin , BattalionWars and thats about it not many more new IP's during that entire generation.

How about the Wii, most of the new IP's are infact TouchGeneration games. I don't know about you but WiiFit,BrainTraining and such aren't all that great. So what new franchises has Nintendo announced with their own character line-ups and such?

Not many you got Disaster:DayOfCrisis, Project H.A.M.M.E.R with PJ getting scrapped to our knowledge. A fresh IP is going to be very good for Nintendo as the competition is constantly trying to bring out new IP. Sony took its finest studios Insomniac and NaughtyDog getting them to focus on fresh IP rather then maintaining their existing IP.

I think Nintendo will unviel a great new IP, but first I want my new Pikmin, Donkey Kong , StarFox and AnimalCrossing! 


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