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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who has MGS4 Now?

I'll have mine tomorrow. I will get it delivered to my job. I'm not setting foot in a game store with the hoards of people that will be in there.

Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

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13 hours.

Well, I'm hugely pleased. I've played about 5 hours, and lion's share has been actual gameplay. So far, for me, it's by far the best MGS game for several reasons. After some initial disorientation, I'm deeply into it now.


Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
Shit, I might just Gamefly it... They have it listed for a June 11th release... If they're mailing them out today, I won't wait in line tonight. Either way, I'll be playing it when I get home tomorrow.

I look forward to the aftermath.

I'll have to stay sober for this one just to understand WTF is going on.

Or check out my new webcomic:

this game is going to be great


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Hapimeses said:
Well, I'm hugely pleased. I've played about 5 hours, and lion's share has been actual gameplay. So far, for me, it's by far the best MGS game for several reasons. After some initial disorientation, I'm deeply into it now.


 I hate you poopy pants :P


lol I hope you have fun with it ,,,I can play it in less than 24 hours. 




Congrats Hapimeses and lucky motherfu.....CONGRATZ!!!


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->
rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
Shit, I might just Gamefly it... They have it listed for a June 11th release... If they're mailing them out today, I won't wait in line tonight. Either way, I'll be playing it when I get home tomorrow.

I look forward to the aftermath.

I'll have to stay sober for this one just to understand WTF is going on.

Judging from that intro/trialer text we saw a while back, that may not help.

Booked tomorrow off so will be going into town 9am ish.


Got mine a few hours ago from the store.

Got a friend working there who sorted it out a day early.

Dont wanna spoil it for you guys though so I wont mention what happens.

All I can say is that the install time is 8 minutes. Quicker than DMC4 and it has weird in game adverts for some reason. Also need to download the update again for MGS online which I didnt bother doing. The cutscenes and action are blended so no loading etc.

Also the game is organised in Acts kinda like RE4.

My PSN ID - alphagear