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Forums - General Discussion - Scrubs Or Family Guy. Which Do You Prefer?

Whew tough one.
I think I would choose Scrubs of those two.

Garth Marengies Dark Place and The Green Wing are both better comedy hospitals than Scrubs though. It is odd how much great comedy can come from a hospital.

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Family guy, scrubs is good but I dont like how theres a message at the end of each episode, it gets tiresome sometimes.

Family Guy is much better.

Nintendo still doomed?
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My god... uhm... uhm... AAARGHHH!
I believe it would be Family because it makes me laugh more. But I really digg dr. Cox..
Don't ever make me decide such a hard thing ever again!!!

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There are a whole lot of better comedies than either of those but out of them it would probably be family guy.

I'm getting tired of family guy. The episodes are so random nowadays.

I prefer Scrubs...


But right now, my favorite sitcom is Big Bang Theory. Is extremely funny. Specially for us geeks and gamers. Sheldon is very funny.




but even more then that Weeds
and even more then that Southpark



Family Guy by far... I saw a few episodes of Scrubs and didn't see what all the fuss was aboot.