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Forums - Gaming Discussion - This is the XBOX 360's LAST chance to perform in Japan.

miiiguel said:
TheBigFatJ said:
Moneybags said:
IF they come to ps3 then cool, if not oh well I get mgs4 and ff. I'm not sacrificing my integrity for a few videogames though.

What does gaming have to do with "integrity", and what does integrity have to do with purchasing one product over another?


"integrity", wow! integrety one

choses in the voting booth, when chosing the best candidate for runing a country, not using a consumer product in a capitalist world where all the companies seek profit by delivering the best product they can.

I never understood the "endemic issue" against Microsoft (or Sony), it's a urban myth that raised just because they invented th home Operating System. It's even harder to understand when MS actually improved the world (making a fortune along the way, but they did bring computers to every house).

If Microsoft are delivering the best products they can, they are the shittiest corporation that ever existed. The Xbox360 had the RROD and Windows Vista just fucking suck (I know what I am talking about I use it).

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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Last chance? No 360 ran out of chances when the Wii launched in Japan. There is no last chance for 360 in Japan.

"SO fans must be pissed off"
yeah..., maybe one should start an online petition (remeber the DMC4 one...), against the big rich company, and the evil western.

Btw, and slightly offtopic: I'm glad US nuked them, and I hope if such thing happens again, someone still have the balls to do it again.


A silly dialog, that spawns a lot:


- er... 360 has great games!

answer: but, but RRoD for you! there! and they're shity, and evil..., and..., and..., stuff! So I heard on the internet!

miiiguel said:
"SO fans must be pissed off"
yeah..., maybe one should start an online petition (remeber the DMC4 one...), against the big rich company, and the evil western.

Btw, and slightly offtopic: I'm glad US nuked them, and I hope if such thing happens again, someone still have the balls to do it again.
 WTF does the nuke have to do with this topic? I believe it was the correct tactical decision to save the most US lives at the time but to want to nuke anyone is just wrong. With so many juclear powers now using one would only start a disaster that can not be controlled.


Now Playing: The Witcher (PC)

Consoles Owned: NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, Game Boy, DS

miiiguel said:
"SO fans must be pissed off"
yeah..., maybe one should start an online petition (remeber the DMC4 one...), against the big rich company, and the evil western.

Btw, and slightly offtopic: I'm glad US nuked them, and I hope if such thing happens again, someone still have the balls to do it again.

Wow even I found that in bad taste and man I have no morals.  That's just terrible.   

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Thank god I have a 360 for my JRPG fix. But seriously, PS3 fans don't have to get a 360. You could get a PSP or a DS, and have JRPGs until you're blue in the face.

miiiguel said:

"SO fans must be pissed off"
yeah..., maybe one should start an online petition (remeber the DMC4 one...), against the big rich company, and the evil western.

Btw, and slightly offtopic: I'm glad US nuked them, and I hope if such thing happens again, someone still have the balls to do it again.


A silly dialog, that spawns a lot:


- er... 360 has great games!

answer: but, but RRoD for you! there! and they're shity, and evil..., and..., and..., stuff! So I heard on the internet!


PS360ForTheWin said:
miiiguel said:

"SO fans must be pissed off"
yeah..., maybe one should start an online petition (remeber the DMC4 one...), against the big rich company, and the evil western.

Btw, and slightly offtopic: I'm glad US nuked them, and I hope if such thing happens again, someone still have the balls to do it again.

A silly dialog, that spawns a lot:


- er... 360 has great games!

answer: but, but RRoD for you! there! and they're shity, and evil..., and..., and..., stuff! So I heard on the internet!


 No kidding. 


Now Playing: The Witcher (PC)

Consoles Owned: NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, Game Boy, DS

miiiguel said:

"SO fans must be pissed off"
yeah..., maybe one should start an online petition (remeber the DMC4 one...), against the big rich company, and the evil western.

Btw, and slightly offtopic: I'm glad US nuked them, and I hope if such thing happens again, someone still have the balls to do it again.


A silly dialog, that spawns a lot:


- er... 360 has great games!

answer: but, but RRoD for you! there! and they're shity, and evil..., and..., and..., stuff! So I heard on the internet!

 I hope you get perma-banned.

Aiemond said:
miiiguel said:
"SO fans must be pissed off"
yeah..., maybe one should start an online petition (remeber the DMC4 one...), against the big rich company, and the evil western.

Btw, and slightly offtopic: I'm glad US nuked them, and I hope if such thing happens again, someone still have the balls to do it again.
WTF does the nuke have to do with this topic? I believe it was the correct tactical decision to save the most US lives at the time but to want to nuke anyone is just wrong. With so many juclear powers now using one would only start a disaster that can not be controlled.


 I meant porpotionaly. Anyway, you have togive me a break as I did a quite extensive paper on WWII and the atrocities that went for far too long time (adn I said it was off-topic).