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Forums - General Discussion - 'The Normals' Test

Yeah, that's all CGI. It's pretty hard to notice when the camera is pulled back but it's easier to notice the closer you get. Still though, the fact it's so hard to tell is pretty awesome.

I thought it was especially cool when the camera was zoomed in on the eye and you could tell when he was smiling.

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I'd say that's the best so far, and I also have to give them originality props for picking a regular dude and not choosing some boring hot babe to work on their breast programming like everybody else seems to do.

Thats the ugliest man ive ever seen! Good job he isnt real

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

That was impressiv but when I read test I think of stuff like this


Think twice before helping a friend in need.

That awareness test video is officially the coolest thing ever, and has a great message to boot! ASTOUNDING!

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Duke Of Darkness said:

That was impressiv but when I read test I think of stuff like this



 Man I totally didn't see it!!! Great Message...




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

Yeah I honestly hadn't seen that test before and I did noticed the dude dancing..didn't know he was supposed to be a bear but I noticed him when he started doing the move at around 18 seconds...and I didn't lose count on the white team passes either =P

Although I admit I didn't keep paying attention to him after that point so I didn't notice him moonwalk off screen, but I took note of him being out of place.

To Each Man, Responsibility

The CG is impressive, but why cant he spend his effort to create a pretty babe instead of this extremely ugly man

Duke Of Darkness said:

That was impressiv but when I read test I think of stuff like this



 i watched it three times before i saw it...haha



Yeah thats very impressive although I must say his eyes are still freaky. Looks like they are made out of glass.