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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just in case you wanted another reason to play Age of Conna

lmao that's incredible. I haven't heard much good about the game though. I've got a couple friends who paid for a couple months to try it out and one has already stopped playing entirely and the other is constantly whining about it.

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Funny shit :P Only problem with that... is it's too overpowered and will get nerf'd :( well that is how things work now a days.

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

I have no reason to play this game.

A while back they introduced a patch that made the breasts on female characters shrink and the game's population went ballistic.  There was a story about it on Arstechnica last week. 

Pathetic. They can keep their "fantasy-sized" breasts...

I haven't laughed that hard at a game video in a long time. That was priceless.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

I keep laughing at that video. That's even better than sitting at the top of the Great Lift and casting Fear on people who try to run by.

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rocketpig said:
I keep laughing at that video. That's even better than sitting at the top of the Great Lift and casting Fear on people who try to run by.

They nerfed fearing people off cliffs years ago.  Same with mind controls.  

naznatips said:
rocketpig said:
I keep laughing at that video. That's even better than sitting at the top of the Great Lift and casting Fear on people who try to run by.

They nerfed fearing people off cliffs years ago. Same with mind controls.

Ah, it's been a long time since I played WoW.

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Words Of Wisdom said:

I have no reason to play this game.

A while back they introduced a patch that made the breasts on female characters shrink and the game's population went ballistic. There was a story about it on Arstechnica last week.

Pathetic. They can keep their "fantasy-sized" breasts...

 lol reminds me of that south park episode.