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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who Should Not Buy a Wii - A Non-Buyer's Guide

CAL4M1TY said:

Ditto, also, technically everything on the wii (or at least what I know of) can be played while sitting on your behind, even the magical wii fit can be played sitting down. Was proven when wii fit owners answered the call to squilliam's request in the Wii forum.

Still, a nice list though.


Maybe -- like most other lists, this list is basically useless. It's not accurate, it doesn't really mean anything, and the points simply aren't true. The Wii doesn't do perfect online for a console (except maybe Mario Kart), but the 360's online is very poor: no centralized servers, even. Ridiculously bad.

I think the litmus test for whether or not you should own a Wii is this: Do you like gaming in general. If that's true, if you like to play lots of games, then you should probably own a Wii.

If being considered “casual” upsets you

In this particular case i'd recommend one of two routes:

(1) Wipe your crotch after you pee

(2) Spend a lot of time doing what others tell you to do, pose a lot, buy the clothes and craft the look that others want you to.  Because, you know, since you care so much about what random people you don't know think about you that you must need more. 

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I'm sorry but no matter how many people tell me Nintendo is going in a different path with online, I will not accept the shitbox that is Wii Wi-Fi and I will not think that an online system that makes 1999 GameSpy look advanced is a great way of doing things in 2008.

Or check out my new webcomic:

1) If you expect to drive around Liberty City running over prostitutes. GTA and similar games will not ever come to the Wii, because those that want those games have already purchased HD consoles. Also the Wii is not a good platform for this type of game and the vast majority of Wii owners could care less about them anyway.

While I doubt the Wii will see the GTA franchise itself, there are a lot of comparable games available or on the way, both in terms of being sandbox gameplay and being extremely violent. Godfather, Scarface, Manhunt 2, No More Heroes, and Mad World are all extremely violent games.

 I actually find it kind of funny. Developers seem to have this notion that, because the Wii is the E for Everyone console, if they're going to release something with any violence at all, they might as well go all the way and make an outrageously violent game for the Wii. Seems like there isn't much middle ground.

Sorry to pick your post apart, but when you post a list, you know it's gonna happen. ;) 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Yeah famousringo i've noticed that too. Manhunt 2 was way over the top, plus it was just a bad game, and Mad World looks pretty crazy too.

I think this list may work well as to what grampy's expectations for the Wii are but to post it as a universal guide for others to determine if the Wii is for them is not a good idea.

I'll probably never get a Wii, No matter what...
Running over prostitutes is fun enough.


Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...

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rocketpig said:
I'm sorry but no matter how many people tell me Nintendo is going in a different path with online, I will not accept the shitbox that is Wii Wi-Fi and I will not think that an online system that makes 1999 GameSpy look advanced is a great way of doing things in 2008.

The only thing 1999 gamespy had going for it that the Wii didn't have was chatroom functionality IIRC; and typing on a console without a keyboard is hard...

Fun list Grampy. To the other console haters. The Wii is a grate console, but so are the 360 and PS3 if you can't afford them all, buy the one that has the games you want most. Since I can't be considered hardcore any more... I hardly ever play more than 10 hours a week anymore (work and other obligations)... As a casual gamer I have a 360 and a Wii. Both have grate games and if the right games come exclusively to the PS3 or if I get a large enough TV to make it worthwhile to go BluRay, then I will get that as well.

By the way I played the first RRR the other day and now I can't wait to play with my glutamous maximus.

Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
I'm sorry but no matter how many people tell me Nintendo is going in a different path with online, I will not accept the shitbox that is Wii Wi-Fi and I will not think that an online system that makes 1999 GameSpy look advanced is a great way of doing things in 2008.

The only thing 1999 gamespy had going for it that the Wii didn't have was chatroom functionality IIRC; and typing on a console without a keyboard is hard...

I was actually allowed to choose what game I wanted to join in GameSpy.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
I'm sorry but no matter how many people tell me Nintendo is going in a different path with online, I will not accept the shitbox that is Wii Wi-Fi and I will not think that an online system that makes 1999 GameSpy look advanced is a great way of doing things in 2008.

The only thing 1999 gamespy had going for it that the Wii didn't have was chatroom functionality IIRC; and typing on a console without a keyboard is hard...

 I didn't use Gamespy back then so I have no idea what features it had or didn't have.  But the fact that the Wii is lacking features the original Xbox had years ago is sad.  The storage solution isn't what i'm referring to as it is becoming increasingly obvious that a solution is being worked on.  However the FC system is garbage and shouldn't be defended especially since there is a different FC per game.  It would be semi-tolerable if we had to memorize a 16 digit code for our Wii and that would work for all games but trading codes for every game is just ridiculous.  Voicechat, i'll give you there are some annoying idiots online.  But at least give us the option to chat with friends we know and like!  Trying to use that "chat wheel" in MoH:H2 to send out pre-programmed codes to organize an attack was a pain.

rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
I'm sorry but no matter how many people tell me Nintendo is going in a different path with online, I will not accept the shitbox that is Wii Wi-Fi and I will not think that an online system that makes 1999 GameSpy look advanced is a great way of doing things in 2008.

The only thing 1999 gamespy had going for it that the Wii didn't have was chatroom functionality IIRC; and typing on a console without a keyboard is hard...

I was actually allowed to choose what game I wanted to join in GameSpy.

 What Wii online game doesn't let you do that?  MoH:H2 had a nice lobby system infact where you could sort games by type/amount of people and even password protect rooms.  I haven't played MK:Wii online but SSBB lets you pick which friend you want to play with, no options for the random battles I will give you.