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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Direct3D cease to be the primary 3D API?

ocnkng said:
@Soleron AWESOME POST!! Your observation on how all MS technology is ultimately aimed at maintaining a Windows Lock-in is spot on! Ignore RocketPig, he is clearly out of his depth here.

I never knew reality was so deep.


Wow, I am so postmodern.

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KohlyKohl said:

 You clearly have a superiority complex. Perhaps Linux does have a very small gaming userbase, but it is a much better gaming platform than Windows currently is, even if it has much fewer games than Windows.

Yeah, Rocketpig, you Windows elitist you. Obviously you don't understand why Mac and Linux are far superior gaming platforms. It's just that a few people tend to overlook it, for example, the entire gaming industry.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

Frodaddyg said:
KohlyKohl said:

You clearly have a superiority complex. Perhaps Linux does have a very small gaming userbase, but it is a much better gaming platform than Windows currently is, even if it has much fewer games than Windows.

Yeah, Rocketpig, you Windows elitist you. Obviously you don't understand why Mac and Linux are far superior gaming platforms. It's just that a few people tend to overlook it, for example, the entire gaming industry.

If there's one thing I despise more than an Apple zealot, it's a Linux zealot.

Just admit that you run a niche product that will never hit mainstream, move on, and we can have a conversation that doesn't end with me banging my head on my desk. 


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Frodaddyg said:
KohlyKohl said:

 You clearly have a superiority complex. Perhaps Linux does have a very small gaming userbase, but it is a much better gaming platform than Windows currently is, even if it has much fewer games than Windows.

Yeah, Rocketpig, you Windows elitist you. Obviously you don't understand why Mac and Linux are far superior gaming platforms. It's just that a few people tend to overlook it, for example, the entire gaming industry.

Linux can run Unreal Tournament 2004, Enemy Territory:Quake Wars, Doom 3, Quake 4, Nexuiz, Warsow and OpenArena natively and World of Warcraft, Half-Life 2, Supreme Commander, Halo and many others with Wine.

Mac OS X has even broader support than that.

Soleron said:
Frodaddyg said:
KohlyKohl said:

You clearly have a superiority complex. Perhaps Linux does have a very small gaming userbase, but it is a much better gaming platform than Windows currently is, even if it has much fewer games than Windows.

Yeah, Rocketpig, you Windows elitist you. Obviously you don't understand why Mac and Linux are far superior gaming platforms. It's just that a few people tend to overlook it, for example, the entire gaming industry.

Linux can run Unreal Tournament 2004, Enemy Territory:Quake Wars, Doom 3, Quake 4, Nexuiz, Warsow and OpenArena natively and World of Warcraft, Half-Life 2, Supreme Commander, Halo and many others with Wine.

Mac OS X has even broader support than that.

So you've got Epic and id, two diehard OpenGL supporters.


BTW, did you really just dig back to 2005 and mention Doom 3, one of the most disappointing games of the past decade? 

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this thread is full of it, until the day a new OS hold 90% of the market share like windows. DirectX package will not go away. RocketPig is right, no matter how you make it sound, linux, and mac is a niche market.

if you guys havent realize it, mac hold like 3-4% of the world market, and would've been on a steady decline if it didn't have the help of ipod. As for Linux??? dont even make me laugh how small that market is.

@Rocketpig ha ha good one man, hats off to you. Ya and to add to the arguments of Soleron and the others even though MS creates great software, they are in the end proprietary and closed. True innovation can only thrive in an open source environment. As gaming becomes more mainstream and moves away from the PC/Windows platform, we will definitely see the rise of Open GL and other open platforms and environments.


It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees

ocnkng said:
@Rocketpig ha ha good one man, hats off to you. Ya and to add to the arguments of Soleron and the others even though MS creates great software, they are in the end proprietary and closed. True innovation can only thrive in an open source environment. As gaming becomes more mainstream and moves away from the PC/Windows platform, we will definitely see the rise of Open GL and other open platforms and environments.

See, the thing is that I've been hearing that line for 15 years now. OpenGL is like soccer in the United States.

It's been the "next big thing" for a long time now and it will always continue to be.

The thing is that many of you probably think I'm an MS supporter... I'm not. After having to code for their bullshit for nearly a decade, there are few companies I despise on the same level I do MS. But I'm a realist. DirectX, much like Internet-fucking-Explorer, will not be going away any time soon. Even after the "explosion" by Firefox, IE still holds 75% of the market. OpenGL may get support here and there but neither it nor Linux will ever see wide support, much less will it ever take out DirectX as the market leader.

There's a lot to be said about getting bundled in the box, something PCs and Windows will share for the forseeable future.

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rocketpig said:
ocnkng said:
@Rocketpig ha ha good one man, hats off to you. Ya and to add to the arguments of Soleron and the others even though MS creates great software, they are in the end proprietary and closed. True innovation can only thrive in an open source environment. As gaming becomes more mainstream and moves away from the PC/Windows platform, we will definitely see the rise of Open GL and other open platforms and environments.

See, the thing is that I've been hearing that line for 15 years now. OpenGL is like soccer in the United States.

It's been the "next big thing" for a long time now and it will always continue to be.

The thing is that many of you probably think I'm an MS supporter... I'm not. After having to code for their bullshit for nearly a decade, there are few companies I despise on the same level I do MS. But I'm a realist. DirectX, much like Internet-fucking-Explorer, will not be going away any time soon. Even after the "explosion" by Firefox, IE still holds 75% of the market. OpenGL may get support here and there but neither it nor Linux will ever see wide support, much less will it ever take out DirectX as the market leader.

There's a lot to be said about getting bundled in the box, something PCs and Windows will share for the forseeable future.

OK, I accept that. I am not expecting rapid change either. I do believe that MS's influence over the gaming market as a whole will continue to weaken over time, as it has done every since about 1996 when consoles first had 3D graphics and Microsoft's technologies were no longer the best in the field.

K I understand you. MS is incredibly strong and there is no way that anything that belongs to them is going away anywhere. However just the fact that we are hearing that line for the last 15 years means that there is another side that still survives and the struggle goes on. Thanks to the efforts of the wider industry MS has been forced to adapt multiple times, often for the better (adding tabs to IE, for instance). Anyway this has been a satisfying discussion. Thanks to all. Until next time. Peace.


It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees