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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil 5 Capcom racist?

jalsonmi said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:

I think it's funny how people are going crazy over this, but nobody cared that you were blowing heads off of Latinos in RE4.

You weren't blowing the head off Latinos in RE4. You were blowing the head off of Spaniards, i.e. from Spain, and thus white Europeans. Latinos are not all Spanish speaking people, but rather people from Latin America with a mixed heritage and bloodline of Spaniards, native Latin American peoples and (depending on where in Latin America) black people descended from slaves (which, as you probably know, existed widely outside the borders of the U.S.--the U.S. was just the last place to ban such behavior).

OT: This has been an issue ever since the RE5 trailer first came out. I won't necessarily say it is the correct viewpoint (that's something that cannot be said for certain until we can experience the whole game ourselves, which is not for another year), but the issues of race, representation and otherness are a lot more nuanced than most video gamers are going into. You can' waive off such things with "they're zombies/monsters, of course you'd kill them. It doesn't matter what they look like." If the world did not exist the way it does, where issues of race and privilege are as insidiously ingrained as it is, it could be that simple. But those that create culture need to be aware of the images they are bringing into the collective consiousness and offer masses of people for consumption. And the image of a lone white man killing masses of nearly identical looking, unpersonified black people is an incredibly loaded image. The exotified and objectified other has existed throughout human history, and is a way peoples have been able to remove the humanity from other human beings, thus allowing things like genocide and slavery. This is of course not to say there's a direct causation, and thus not to say RE5 is an evil game aimed at bringing back slavery or anything like that (which would of course be beyond insane)--rather I'm just trying to explain the way images of peoples and races can have power byond simply the image. And creating such an image is thus a deeply problematic endeavor. Those that create culture and art have a certain responsibility when it comes to what they are saying or what the implications behind what they're creating are, and ignorance is not a valid excuse for shirking that reponsibility. And I say that as both an artist (I'm at film school) and a virulent opponent to censorship of any kind (and also as a big RE fan). But the model of the one white guy there to save the day against the faceless hoards of black people (or even black zombies) has all sorts of implications and history, and thus contains problematics that cannot simply be brushed off.

To truly understand the issues of representation and the objectified other that underly this whole debate, you (you being any and everyone) should read Edward Said's book Orientalism.

 Good post, you make some great points!And it's not just the fact that it's "just another white guy" either. All the black people are made to look like 3rd world citizens, poor and simple, and to be honest they don't really LOOK like zombies, do they? :p Then the "hero" comes along blasting the heck out of all of them, and to make things worse he's portrayed as the standard gazillionth bulky, strong, macho, "gears-of-war"-like white American, outfitted with the standard high-tech expensive gear. He's like the polar opposite of the people or"zombies" you kill in the game.  I mean, who looks like this? :p    


Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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Thread Number 965 for this question.

No it isn't racist to place a game in Africa.

Those racism! people would be taken much more serious if they would only cry racist when it fits.


All the black people are made to look like 3rd world citizens, poor and simple

 ??? This could possibly be like this because the area of Africa this game takes place in IS THE 3RD WORLD? For christ sake is the truth suddenly out of vogue? I mean obviously RE doesn't take place in the glass and concrete world of Kapstadt or Nairobi. RE4 was placed in a remote slavish village. They didn't place it in Prag or Budapest either. Seriously sheeesh.

I agree with Kyros. Not every country in the world is stupidly rich. To present the world truthfully is not an exercise is racism necessarily. One could say that by setting it in Africa the game is highlighting certain issues such as economic disparity.


Just like in call of duty during the soveit campiagn, the game didn'tgive you a rifle just ammo and the fact that commisars shot you if you ran away was terrible but thats what really happened, the truth might not be nice, but forgetting it is worse.

I'm black


Everything offends me, and yet RE5 does not. Resident Evil 5 isn't rascist.

But in our modern world context I think it may be an insensitive view of things , if people are offended by this then we should question why and possibly atempt to resolve the situation even if the offence apears to be illogical to you.

That's pushing things too far. We have to make sure we do not do anything that steps over the boundaries of decency, I can agree with that. But halting and questioning everything because some people cry "racism", is just too much.

It's a game set in Africa, and you shoot black zombies. That's about as far as this game goes and also about as far as people should take it.

When we shot white people, nobody complained.

This is merely crying for the sake of crying.
This is not purposely trying to kick someone against the shins.

If people can't make that distinction, then we ought to put on the mute button for those people.

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Kyros said:

Thread Number 965 for this question.

No it isn't racist to place a game in Africa.

Those racism! people would be taken much more serious if they would only cry racist when it fits.


All the black people are made to look like 3rd world citizens, poor and simple

??? This could possibly be like this because the area of Africa this game takes place in IS THE 3RD WORLD? For christ sake is the truth suddenly out of vogue? I mean obviously RE doesn't take place in the glass and concrete world of Kapstadt or Nairobi. RE4 was placed in a remote slavish village. They didn't place it in Prag or Budapest either. Seriously sheeesh.

I agree with that.  I don't like them throwing in Eminem looking zombies.  Why is Eminem in the dictionary.  I'll whine about that later.  The producers wanted an accurate portrayal and to mix in the Eminem zombies it totally goes away from that.  I mean yea it is a zombie game and how accurate can you be but I mean setting wise.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Now I personally don't have a problem with this game. A large part of the reason is that having the world take place in Africa (a major continent bla bla bla) cannot by itself be considered racist. The rest sort of just flows on, Africa is populated by Africans, Africans are in general black and Africa is by far the poorest continent in the world.

Now this alone wouldn't be enough to convince me the game wasn't racist in most cases. However so far as far as I can see the game has (including spin-offs)

America: 9
Antartica: 1
Europe: 2
At Sea: 2
Russia: (I don't know if its Asia or East-Europe?) 1

Essentially - this is a game that so far has involved shooting up Americans, Europeans and Russians. Oh and some people in Antartica and at sea who I think were probably also Americans.

Throwing in a story in Africa which involves shooting, shock horror, Africans isn't racist when there have been 15 games before hand that don't involve shooting Africans.

(Note: I think I got the list right, used Wikipedia.)

I think it's racist against the zombies, you shoot them in every game over and over again =(

Phasma said:
I think it's racist against the zombies, you shoot them in every game over and over again =(

 Are zombies a race though?

 Its more like cadaverist.

i have heard it tall now.
Yh but nobody minded when it as white zombies getting blown.
Lets kill the person who started this rumor, the retarded freak