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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil 5 Capcom racist?

I know this is old news and everything but theres been plenty of people claiming Resident Evil 5 is based off of racist veiws. The reason why is because the 5th edition of the Resident Evil series is set in africa and of course the main man of this game is white and your enimes or foes are black. Now personaly think Capcom was not going for anything racist at all and they just wanted a new setting for the new game. What do you guys think after watching the trailers and everything is Capcom a racist company with the whole africa thing or just a change of settings for the 5th game.

Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!

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Didn't the whole Idea of Zombies originate in Africa with Voodoo?

Nope not racist, I think anyone and the mother regardless of race would kill a black zombie if attacked by one will visiting Africa, it's not the fact their black that their being killed it's the fact that they are zombies, so it's kill or be killed.

Now this would be totally different if the main character went about killing African civilians while allowing the white zombies to live, but this wouldn't be a RE game, this would be a redneck game.

If it was a white man going around killing other white people, it isn't racist is it?

Bad example, but it sort of creates and idea. Everyone wants to be treated equally, but when you bring out the negativity that seperates your cultures and creates racism like here, you become racist yourself.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you


Im not racist far from it im just stating something i saw on and wondered what other people thought about it dont say im racist or even assume im racist you dont even know me or my lifestyles

Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!

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You misunderstood the context of my post. "You" was not directed at you, but more broader and general terms. Ex: "If you add 2 and 3, you get 5." See how "you" was used there? That was what I meant.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you


sorry about that i kinda knew this thread was going to get mixed responses i just wanted to see what people thought but no hard feelings toward you

Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!

What a load of Bollocks.


Hi everyone,

 I have been visiting this site for ages but never registered before as i'm not into the whole "forum posting" thing.


Anyway this sort of thing always riles me, if this game is racist then surely all the early games are racist as you only kill white zombies? & if this is the whole mixed race thing, I say "rubbish" as if the lead character was black Capcom would still be blamed for being racist.

 Why can't we just pray that this game is as good as RE4 & ignore the politics for once.

Haha! what an awful first post!