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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SSBB best fighter of all time?

brute said:

i really enjoy this game i bought it yesterday and i have already played it for about 9 hours,its so damn fun.

anyone else think this is the best fighter of all time

 I have no idea, it's still not out in Europe.

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Soul Caliber on the Dreamcast is the best fighter ever.


I don't know if it's the best fighter out there, but it's definitely the most fun.


Street Fighter on the snes was more fun for me than SSBB , it's a good fighter but far from the best.

Easily #1.

My only complaint is the online. How does Brawl horribly fail in this regard while MKWii of all titles pulls it off superbly? Brawl has horrendous lag, while MKWii has almost none.

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Nah i really don't think SSBB is even close to being number one. Not even in my top 10. Melee was better. My number 1 spot is Soul Calibur 2, followed by 3 :P
I liked 2 better cause i thought it was a faster pace and I liked the character models better, however 3 follows quickly behind cause of the character creation in it was excellent. After that I go for some dead or alive 2. DOA 3 slowed down WAY TO MUCH and i havn't played 4.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

soulsamurai said:
Nah i really don't think SSBB is even close to being number one. Not even in my top 10. Melee was better. My number 1 spot is Soul Calibur 2, followed by 3 :P
I liked 2 better cause i thought it was a faster pace and I liked the character models better, however 3 follows quickly behind cause of the character creation in it was excellent. After that I go for some dead or alive 2. DOA 3 slowed down WAY TO MUCH and i havn't played 4.

 How can you say DoA 3 slowed down it is faster besides it improves the counter system and got a lot more moves.


On topic: SSBB is more of a party game than a fighter.

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

Out of the dozens of fighting games I've played, SSBB is my favorite. However, I also have tons of love for 3 other fighting games and lots of love for several more.

SSBB is a joy to play.


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To me it is. :)

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Soul Calibur come close but the original Smash was the best in terms of enjoyment.
I hate Tekken and never really taken time with VF and DoA

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