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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SSBB best fighter of all time?

Also, here's a combo video of MB-AC for anyone who hasn't heard of it...


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I think a fighter model of not being able to escape combos is ridiculous. I think comboing should exist in some fashion, but not to the point of losing hope. A fighter in which a player can get good enough at comboing that if he lands a single blow I will lose 75% of my health is a fighter I am probably not going to spend a lot of time playing.

Brawl is easily the best party fighter of all time. Soul Calibur 2/3 might be the best head to head fighter.

Throw in some SNK fighter in third place for good measure.

GlingGling said:

I think a fighter model of not being able to escape combos is ridiculous. I think comboing should exist in some fashion, but not to the point of losing hope. A fighter in which a player can get good enough at comboing that if he lands a single blow I will lose 75% of my health is a fighter I am probably not going to spend a lot of time playing.

Brawl is easily the best party fighter of all time. Soul Calibur 2/3 might be the best head to head fighter.

Throw in some SNK fighter in third place for good measure.

People who make that statement are the ones who usually lose at those games...