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OMG, Starcraft and I just said the same thing at the same time.... is the world about to end or something? ;)

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starcraft said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Oh, and Hawkeye, a Warning about Starcraft....

If you came here and said "I want a console, and the only thing it MUST have, is the letters o, s, y, and n in it's name, he would find a way to promote the 360 as a better fit for your needs.

While he as said very little wrong in this thread, take what he says with a grain of salt. He is more interested in pushing the 360 then he is in making sure you have the best platform for your needs.

Not a troll or a slam, just wanted to let you know, so you have that additional information when weighing all the options put forth here.

pushing the PS3 or 360 is something Starcraft and I go back and forth on all the time, doing it when someone is about to drop 500 bucks is a different story all together.


BAsed on what your saying:

- IF you must have Blu-Ray and want to play PS1,Upscaled PS2,PS3 games, go with 80 GB PS3.

- If you want to play 360 games, go 360.

I fixed it for you ;),,and who ever fixes it again is dumb :P




cwbys21 said:
Wow, this thread really exploded. As to my post on page 2, it does count towards the 80gb versions. And Walmart's lasts through the 14th, don't know about Bestbuy, haven't been there since finding out about this. So it probably won't work out for the OP. Though it sounds like he wants a PS3 to play some PS2 games and the PS3 will be getting sequels to some of those. If I were him I would do like has been suggested, get a PS2 now, play those games, and around the holidays there might be a price drop for one or both systems and you can re-evaluate your financial position then as to which one you want.

 But getting a PS3 now would save me that $130 AND make the PS2 games look nicer

starcraft said:
Hawkeye said:
TheRealMafoo said:

That is true. Also PS3 has quite a few games I want, like Rachet futre and Oblivion and LGP and Disagaea 3. However I feel 360 has 2x or even 3x the number of games I want. And I could play it online with my friends. Only problem wiht noline is though, my router is upstatirs and my console would be in the basment, so I would have to buy a router extension and an $100 wireless reciever for my 360 (friend had to buy that)

So I really have no idea which is better. No one seems to agree on which is better either XD

If the 360 has two or even three times the number of games you want I cant believe we are still having this conversation.  It sounds like this has never been about me talking you into getting a 360, its been about Mafoo and Darth talking you out of one.

You dont have to buy Microsoft's router.  Get a third party one (I think they are like $10-15 there in the USA) and it will work just as well. 


$10 - $15 !? You won't find one for less than $50.

TheRealMafoo said:
OMG, Starcraft and I just said the same thing at the same time.... is the world about to end or something? ;)
Its an anomaly, it has to be.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Dammit... PS3 would be better to get in 09 as an Xmas present but it has a blu ray player and other stuff. May be I should just work all summer at a part time job and save up and get both lol. Except then I wouldnt have time to ever play those 45 PS2 games :(

A cash gift of $2000 would solve my problem :) 

SpartanFX said:
starcraft said:

BAsed on what your saying:

- IF you must have Blu-Ray and want to play PS1,PS2,PS3 games, go with 80 GB PS3.

- If you want to play 360 games, go 360.

I fixed it for you ;),,and who ever fixes it again is dumb :P

Actually the 360 pro and elite play Xbox 1 games.

In any case, a 360 now and a PS2 at the end of the year after a price drop sounds like easily the best value proposition for you.

If in 2010 the PS3 really does have games you want (he said 2010, not me), it will probably cost around $250 at most, so you could get it then.

In the meantime, you can play all the 360's wonderful high-def games. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Hawkeye said:
starcraft said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Slimebeast said:

Geez... I'm about to explode now. What about all the PS3-fanboys in the thread??? They're trying to push their console even more.

Very unfair post.

Well, I said the PS2+360 option was not a bad idea, so you can't be talking about me.

I think for the needs of this person, the PS3 is the obvious choice. Regardless of the PS3 or 360, he wants to play PS2 games. That's in effect a $129 savings off a BS PS3, and the PS3 plays the PS2 games better on an HDTV then the PS2 does.

He has a PSP. There are loads of cool things you get with the PS3 if you have a PSP.

He said he wants to better utilizes his HDTV when watching Movies. Both will do that (the 360 upscales, and has HD DLC), but the PS3 is the obvious choice if you want a console that is the best HD movie player.

More times then not in these kinds of threads, I end up recommending the 360 when people ask. for this individuals needs and current equipment, the PS3 is the better choice.

No one who is saying get a PS3 is saying so for reasons that are unreasonable. hell, Starcraft has not been unreasonable. But he would NEVER, and I mean NEVER recommend that someone get a PS3 over a 360. This thread is about "what console should I get". I think Hawkeye should know that when taking Starcrafts comments into account.

The PS2 is likely the next console that will get a price cut. Its not the one to buy right now. Its the one to buy at the end of the year.

And I have recommended (three times now) that HAwkeye get a PS3 if he really wants blu-ray.


Yep, but I want games for summer. Though I could easily get a summer job and buy all the PSP games I want including time suckers like FFT and Disagaea afternoon of darkness. May be I should wait until fall, when the lineups are more clear, and potential pricut have been made.

 That's probably a good idea. That way you can see whether those hyped future PS3 exclusives are any good or not, too.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Aj_habfan said:

$10 - $15 !? You won't find one for less than $50.

Really?  I'd heard otherwise for the US, but the 360 comes with an ethernet cable in any case.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Hawkeye said:
cwbys21 said:
Wow, this thread really exploded. As to my post on page 2, it does count towards the 80gb versions. And Walmart's lasts through the 14th, don't know about Bestbuy, haven't been there since finding out about this. So it probably won't work out for the OP. Though it sounds like he wants a PS3 to play some PS2 games and the PS3 will be getting sequels to some of those. If I were him I would do like has been suggested, get a PS2 now, play those games, and around the holidays there might be a price drop for one or both systems and you can re-evaluate your financial position then as to which one you want.

 But getting a PS3 now would save me that $130 AND make the PS2 games look nicer

 Ok, now I want to club you in your sleep.... Make a decision man! :p