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Forums - Gaming Discussion - does smg beat every last gen game in graphics?

Dno said:
sc94597 said:
Griffin said:
sc94597 said:
Griffin said:
I'm not too sure any game last gen does what SMG does, but if you compare different genres then wii still can't top last gen. MP3 is comparable to any of the FPS games listed in this thread, if not worst looking then that black image on this page. No character models on the wii have topped that ninja Gaiden game. And racing games on the wii have yet to top what last gen brought to the table.

Um sorry but here are a few character model rivaling ninja gaidens.

See More Super Mario Galaxy Various at

Look at the high polygon, fur shaders, and detailed textures.


See More Super Smash Bros. Brawl Screenshot at

Again look at the shaders, textures, and polygon count.


There have been no racing sims on the wii so I don't know where you get this from.


Alright show me some fpses that look beter than metroid prime 3.


 There are over 30 racing games on the wii so i think we can compare the line-up so far.  Its also too hard to compare a giant bee with bugs in her crotch or an ape to NG.  And the Human characters in the Brawl game don't stack up to NG.

Um none of them as big as grand turismo or high budget.

Still beter character models. You ask for better character models I gave them to you,

Hey but if you want human characters here you go. 


hahahah i dont think u have ever played a tenchu game if u think thats better the ninja gaiden LOL ANYWAY NOW U PUT BUDGET into this LMAO!!! sad bro...there are a couple of games that look better on last gen systems ....

speaking of models

See More Dead or Alive Ultimate Various at

Um , lol because that has so much detail? A low polygon count, no textures to make her skin look any more than plastic, hair doesn't look real, no facial features. There isn't any detail in her clothes. LOL.

HOw bout this for character models?


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Dno said:
trestres said:
Dno said:
NOW THE TOPIC OF THE TREAD WAS "Does SMG look better then EVERYGAME last gen:
(yes you rocketpig) the answer is a safe HELL no.... NGB character models kill SMG. GT4 is just awesome.... timesplitters looks the same if not better then Metriod (hell metriod 2 looks almost as good)


LOL, typical answer from losers, never gonna accept defeat. Not that I was competing with you, but pretty much everyone in this thread proved you wrong, so yes, you are being a bad loser.

@Griffin: It seems you didn't pay attention to the graphics on MP3, they look WAY better than MP2, plus it's 480p in 16:9.

dude shhhhhhhhhhhhhh please.... and read........ hes giving excuses.... thats defeat... where did i lose? explain?

 Um sorry , but did I miss something? That doesn't look like excuses to me. Ellaborate. 

Dno said:
trestres said:
Dno said:
NOW THE TOPIC OF THE TREAD WAS "Does SMG look better then EVERYGAME last gen:
(yes you rocketpig) the answer is a safe HELL no.... NGB character models kill SMG. GT4 is just awesome.... timesplitters looks the same if not better then Metriod (hell metriod 2 looks almost as good)


LOL, typical answer from losers, never gonna accept defeat. Not that I was competing with you, but pretty much everyone in this thread proved you wrong, so yes, you are being a bad loser.

@Griffin: It seems you didn't pay attention to the graphics on MP3, they look WAY better than MP2, plus it's 480p in 16:9.

dude shhhhhhhhhhhhhh please.... and read........ hes giving excuses.... thats defeat... where did i lose? explain?

I have finaly gone throught the whole thread and you have been wrong again and again

and even tried to show pc pics as xbox pics and i am not buying your excuses for those misstakes

one might have been misstake but the rest, NO WAY.

They have shown you and they have explained it to you and you still refuse to see it.

You my dear fanboy who doesn´t have SMG and haven´t played it need both glasses and lenses at the same time so you can see straight.

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And i have gotten 100% in the 1st metriod and beat the second. i own the 3rd but i didnt beat it yet. i saw them all. MP3 does look better but not in the way you people are making it seem... it has more details like smoke from a gun or more bits of energy when u powert up the gun....thats it... its the same looking games as GC with a slight edge.....

Those Brawl character models are even superior to those found on NGB.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

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Around the Network
trestres said:
Dno said:
NOW THE TOPIC OF THE TREAD WAS "Does SMG look better then EVERYGAME last gen:
(yes you rocketpig) the answer is a safe HELL no.... NGB character models kill SMG. GT4 is just awesome.... timesplitters looks the same if not better then Metriod (hell metriod 2 looks almost as good)


LOL, typical answer from losers, never gonna accept defeat. Not that I was competing with you, but pretty much everyone in this thread proved you wrong, so yes, you are being a bad loser.

@Griffin: It seems you didn't pay attention to the graphics on MP3, they look WAY better than MP2, plus it's 480p in 16:9.

 So once you can't prove your point you resort to personal attacks against other forum members, i never knew anyone could sink so low.

And i've said this over and over again, no amount of anything will change my mind about how MP3 looks. And i'm not sure how anyone can play a game without looking at the graphics. 

Dno said:
And i have gotten 100% in the 1st metriod and beat the second. i own the 3rd but i didnt beat it yet. i saw them all. MP3 does look better but not in the way you people are making it seem... it has more details like smoke from a gun or more bits of energy when u powert up the gun....thats it... its the same looking games as GC with a slight edge.....

 Actually I've played the first 23 times. I've played metroid prime 2 10, and Metroid prime 3, 9 tmes. I've played it on a 40inch hdtv, running at 480p and widescreen.I've noticed the addition of bloom,high resolution textures, more details in the environment modesls, and character models, larger areas, better particle effects, and better animations.So please you people are delusional or liars if you haven't noticed an improbement in metroid prime 3 from it's predecessors. 






I go away for 2 hours to play a game, come back, and you two are still arguing over this? Get married already :p

vaio said:
Dno said:
trestres said:
Dno said:
NOW THE TOPIC OF THE TREAD WAS "Does SMG look better then EVERYGAME last gen:
(yes you rocketpig) the answer is a safe HELL no.... NGB character models kill SMG. GT4 is just awesome.... timesplitters looks the same if not better then Metriod (hell metriod 2 looks almost as good)


LOL, typical answer from losers, never gonna accept defeat. Not that I was competing with you, but pretty much everyone in this thread proved you wrong, so yes, you are being a bad loser.

@Griffin: It seems you didn't pay attention to the graphics on MP3, they look WAY better than MP2, plus it's 480p in 16:9.

dude shhhhhhhhhhhhhh please.... and read........ hes giving excuses.... thats defeat... where did i lose? explain?

I have finaly gone throught the whole thread and you have been wrong again and again

and even tried to show pc pics as xbox pics and i am not buying your excuses for those misstakes

one might have been misstake but the rest, NO WAY.

They have shown you and they have explained it to you and you still refuse to see it.

You my dear fanboy who doesn´t have SMG and haven´t played it need both glasses and lenses at the same time so you can see straight.

weather you think i did that on purpose meas nuthin to me. i have 3 pages worth of xbox games u didnt read that of course. I stated it was a mistake and thats that...... second ur a fool i bought SMG 1st day... again dont ever try to think u no me and if for a secong u think SMG is WAY better then the games i have shown you my "dear fanboy" need to get the glasses check. your a fool if u see a differrence between SMG and GOW or timesplitters or GT4 .... a big fat fool.


Edit: o andthere were only TWO pics from pc and thats eyes work fine tyvm yours dont.....

@Griffin, if you choose to ignore the reality then you are being delusional.
Time to get real. After your lieing history and your anti Nintendo bias, I'd seriously doubt you have played ANY of the MP games.

Also while you are at it, why don't you remind everyone the reason for your ban?
Hint: Heavy insults to some1 who disagreed with you.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies