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TheRealMafoo said:
SpartanFX said:
wel the truth of the matter is that most of 360 exclusives will end up on PC unlike PS3,,,,so if you have a gaming PC,then PS3 would make much more sense.(this reason+reliability issues of 360 made me choose PS3)

To be honest, at this point, if I have $400-$500 to spend, I would just put it in a PC and buy PC games. We are at the point this gen where PC hardware as passed the consoles, and the consoles have not dropped in price enough to compensate.

If you could get a PS3 or 360 for $199 or $250, then it's a good buy.

I love my PS3 and my 360, but I paid a lot for them 2 and 3 years ago. If right now I had to shell out that kind of cash for 2-3 year old hardware, I am not sure I would do it.

 I agree with you ,,but my problem is that some of the games that I love will not be released on PC


i.e. God of war,shadow of the colossus ,uncharted(I like lots of SCE games )


Sony does not release their games on PC,,,if they did ,then I would just get a PC for sure,,,,,but for my gaming taste I need PC + PS3 




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Its better to wait for FFXIII to see if its good while playing Halo 3 than getting a PS3 and waiting for FFXIII. Although the PS3 has a good library and this years line up will be great, I dont know if you only want a PS3 because of FFXIII, if so, it'd be better to get ur hands on what u want to play now

TheRealMafoo said:
Between those two games, the PS3 wins.

Halo 3 is not even the best FPS on the 360. CoD4 I would say is better (and you can get that on both systems).

If you are more a FPS fan, and like only FF for RPG's, go with the PS3. There are some great FPS's on it, and it's the only console with FFXIII.

If you like RPG's, the 360 has a lot more... a LOT more. Oblivion is better on the PS3 than the 360 (because it came out later), but that's about all you have.

If online FPS action is what you are after, CoD4 is server based on the PS3, and client only based on the 360, so you will get a more lag free experience on the PS3. UT3 is also an incredible thing if you only have a console. Mods will keep that game fresh for a very long time.

Resistance 2 and KZ2 will be great.

So, if you are a FPS fan, ironically the console to go with imo is the PS3.
If you are an RPG fan, ironically the console to go with imo is the 360.

Kind of funny. You would think it would be the other way around.

Though it's technically not an FPS, Gears 2 is coming out this year.

Personally, I've played every major (and most minor) FPS/TPS games this generation and Gears still kicks all their asses.

Then again, take my opinion with a grain of salt because I think round-based combat is the true art of online shooters. Nothing teaches you to play, act, shoot, move, and do everything smarter than sitting with a fucking camera for two minutes if you fuck up. Halo, UT, CoD, they're all bitches that don't want to learn how to play in favor of nonstop action. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

Calling FFXIII an incredible game is like saying Duke Nuken forever will be Mankind's greatest contribution to Art & Culture (See Yahtzee).

It's not out yet. It won't be out for a long time. And yes, the older versions were mostly good (FFXII for truly pushing PS2 graphically, that's about all the good I can say about it, Duke 3d for pure over the top comedy and fantastically easy user created content), but... erm, hey, it's not out yet!

But I can't make this choice for you, but can very easily say: You can play Halo 3 in an hour if you go to Wal-Mart right now. You can play FFXIII on your 25th birthday.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

I would base my decision on what happens after those 2 games.

After you've beaten Halo or beaten (or given up) FF13, which games library entices you more, because buying a console for one game is insanity (which was the xbox's issue last generation).

Do you prefer Ninja Gaiden, Fable, Bioshock and Mass Effect or do you prefer God of War, Killzone 2, MGS4 and LBP?

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CAL4M1TY said:

Do you prefer Ninja Gaiden, Fable, Bioshock and Mass Effect or do you prefer God of War, Killzone 2, MGS4 and LBP?

 All those are PC games as well. (Fable 2 will be exclusive if that's what you mean).

Halo 3 - Good console FPS, but overrated and has already been surpassed by many shooters in the market. Halo 3 possesses a mediocre single-player and a good multiplayer.

FF13 - Still not released so we don't know how decent it is. However, it's a JRPG, and JRPGs are inferior to WRPGs by design; and if we go by the most recent entries in the main Final Fantasy franchise, it most likely won't be a great game (FF10 good, FF11 decent, FF12 good)

Answer? Buy or build a new PC, not only giving you access to the best RPG and FPS lineups from this generation, but also the biggest amount of exclusives and best versions of multiplats (all at cheaper prices).

This is silly.Not only are these two totally different games,without mentioning that FFXIII is not even released,but we also know nothing about it.

TheRealMafoo said:
CAL4M1TY said:

Do you prefer Ninja Gaiden, Fable, Bioshock and Mass Effect or do you prefer God of War, Killzone 2, MGS4 and LBP?

All those are PC games as well. (Fable 2 will be exclusive if that's what you mean).

Has the OP actually said he has a gaming computer?  OR that he would like to engage in the somewhat less sociable arena of PC gameplay?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

In any case, it is a fact that Fable, Bioshock and Mass Effect are also PC games, so he has options in that department. And Bioshock can be scrapped just because it's also a PS3-game (soon).

About his choice: The only sensible answer I've read was the person who said that he had to look at the libraries once he has defeated either of the games. So... once FFXIII or Halo3 are over, what other games would you like to play, nintendo zealot? Look at the games coming out / already out and make your choice based on that.

If you only want to play Halo3 or FFXIII, then don't even buy a console, it would be a huge waste of money to spend that amount of money for just one game. Look further and check the libraries (already present / upcoming).