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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo: "Only geeks want storage on the Wii"

@Shameless: lol

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

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Yes, only Japanese Nintendo employees have the true Tri force...Europe and American ones are not true Nintendo.

Only Miyamoto is allowed to say..."Come kids, play with my wii..."...and not go to jail.

People like this should be fired, its there job to represent Nintendo in a positive manner, not make an ass of yourself and the company you work for.

Mummelmann said:
@Nazna; yet everything Reggie says is the gospel truth in here for most (not aimed at you btw).

Yes, yes it is. Is there a problem?

@ topic: Haha yes, finally, Nintendo shitting on people through PR (even if it is NoE) and making them scream on message boards. It was getting a little old when it was just Sony and Microsoft (but mostly Sony) shooting their mouths off. Of course this is a far cry from the days when Yamauchi would just bitchslap an entire segment of people from across the Pacific without a second glance, but it's a start.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

NJ5 said:
Shameless said:
naznatips said:

For at least the dozenth time: The opinions of Nintendo of Europe and Nintendo of America are not representative of Nintendo's actual opinions or decisions, which are all made by their Japanese staff, who've already said a storage solution is being made.

For the same reason that it's stupid to say a random forum moderator at Ubisoft represents their opinions, it's stupid to say that a PR guy at NOE represents Nintendo's opinions.

He didn't say anything about not making a storage solution, he called you a geek for wanting one.

I can't say much about this Laurent Fischer guy specifically, but Nintendo of Europe in general are pretty incompetent. That's why I don't think we should care much about what they say.


 Agreed... that's why all the games take forever for no reason...

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Nintendo of Europe has always done a pretty solid job of screwing over the Europeans. Adding bad PR to that is a minor offense compared to the ridiculous release date delays. That said, most publishers treat Europe like crap...

Didn't Nintendo say 70% of all their customers were Core gamers?

If Core Gamers = Geeks then 70% of all there customers will (at some point) require more disk space then presently offered. (eg anyone with 5+ WW games)

Maybe I'm strange but if I thought 70% of my clients wanted a feature I would put a bit of effort to provide it.

Lets hope NoJ show a bit of leadership at E3 and announce some solution. (Maybe I can put my 500GB external drive to good use)

The people Nintendo are hurting the most are not us the gamers, not themselves who are making money cash over hand it's the SMALL Wii Ware developers who are going to be hit hardest. If they care about them at all they will HAVE to provide more Storage.

Playing : PC  AOE, DiRT 2, Runes of Magic, Wings of Prey & Planetside 2  

Wii U : Nintendoland, Super Mario U  & Fifa 2013 demo

DS : Guitar Hero : On Tour

Formerly unknown as Vengi

If Nintendo claims 70% of their customers are Core gamers, then claiming there is no mainstream desire for an extended storage solution is a direct contradiction.

Of course, the claim that there is no mainstream desire for that storage comes from the mouth of one exec from Nintendo of Europe, who maybe didn't get the memo in regards to the upcoming storage solution, assuming it's in the works.

Then again, Nintendo claiming 70% of their customers are core gamers is based upon what standard? Wii owners who own more than Wii Sports and Wii Play?

Most of their advertising is directed at family gaming and distinctly non-core gaming demographics, and for good reason: that's where the sales and growth are at.

Honestly, the guy is right. The MARKET shows that people DO NOT CARE for storage solutions. It is not a major decision factor in buying a gaming system.

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trestres said:
libellule said:
Ninty focusing on casual market CONFIRMED

Wii not competing vs the PS360 in term of market CONFIRMED

Wii not being the next NES/SNES/PSX/PS2 in term of software domination CONFIRMED

(Wii selling like hot cake for years STILL TRUE
Wii outselling PS2/PS360 WW sales (+150M) STILL TRUE)

Are you living in your own world? I mean have you seen the amount of Hardcore games that are coming to the Wii.

Welcome to the real world.

==> Animal crossing for E308 CONFIRMED

 Whatever the amount of hardcore games coming to the Wii (Fire emblem or Metroid prime), the games that are selling the console are Wiisport/MarioKart/Brawl/Wiifit

Time to Work !