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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Killzone 2 gameplay

Skeeuk said:

best looking game ever on a console.

dunno why ppl are moaning about the AI looks ok to me.

cod4 also had enemys stood there shooting at you no one complained then. i mean what else do you expect them to do? hand out raffle tickets?

this will be a huge game, with nothing on console looking better than it.

 Ok now you are being silly. why would you want to play a game where you shoot the people but thwy do not respond to it. I understand that the AI is being done as we type so that is not going to be an issue, but just typing that has just made you look like a idiot if you ask me.

i give your post a 3.4/10 rating. it would have been a 0.5/10 if you did not mention the good graphics 

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this video is oldddddddddd ,,,why did you post it now??

everyone welcome to 2007 E3 ;)




A.I seemed terrible. One of the enemies just stood there and did nothing as he got shot. But the video was added on youtube September last year. So there's probably been some adjustments to that, or they will fix it later if they havent already.

Yeah, the video is old.

I liked the behavior of the Heavy at the was right there to shoot at the player unexpectedly while the player tried to use the pillars for cover.  The one soldier did just kinda stand there and get shot we could see teh sweet reaction graphics.  ;)

Yep everything looks great. I just want to play the game already. Ignore AI complaints. Play RFOM or probably any shooter online and you'll notice the majority of humans players react the same.