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Forums - General Discussion - Being Female and Being on the Internet

Well my brother is marrried with a girl he met online so it is possible

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

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kingofwale said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
I don't think kingofwale's ever seen a girl on the internet. Everybody goes nuts and starts demanding she proves it.

yeah, base on my post count, I'm suuuuuch a newbie, right?

I just don't like 'flirting' with strangers online, regardless what she looks like.


Heck, kinda wouldn't be right when you already HAVE a girlfriend. ;)

 I'll say.

Galaki said:
If you're a female. Are you hot and legal? Pics please.

 On a gaming or computer forum?  Yea, good luck with that.  You'd have better luck at Weight Watchers.

 I give that post a 9.2.


Thank god for the disable signatures option.

Profcrab said:
Galaki said:
If you're a female. Are you hot and legal? Pics please.

 On a gaming or computer forum?  Yea, good luck with that.  You'd have better luck at Weight Watchers.

 I give that post a 9.2.


It doesn't hurt to ask.

If you don't ask. You'll never get it.

If you ask, there's a chance.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
I won't lie. I spend my nights quietly by myself in my room, reading over all the posts of users I suspect of being female, and pleasuring myself.


I respect ZenfoldorVGI as a poster, gamer, and human being.

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There are no women on the internet. Only fat middle aged men beating off to each other in the hope that the other is a hot 18yo chick.

Í come from an internet time when it was still considered normal to ask for pictures when a "supposed girl" came online. We just couldn't be sure. Now, if you'd visit a profiel site like MySpace or facebook I'll bet my ass off that over 50% is female.

Here on this forum - it's rare. Extremely rare. I have yet seen a girl interested in how Mario Kart Wii is doing versus GTA4. Believe me, I've tried with some girlfriends but no luck so far. That is why I'm still sceptic when I find a girl here.

How many of the female avatars in World of Warcraft are male for instance? And how many of them do it for attention...?

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


**COUGH**Okey Dokey**COUGH**

Galaki said:
Profcrab said:
Galaki said:
If you're a female. Are you hot and legal? Pics please.

 On a gaming or computer forum?  Yea, good luck with that.  You'd have better luck at Weight Watchers.

 I give that post a 9.2.


It doesn't hurt to ask.

If you don't ask. You'll never get it.

If you ask, there's a chance.

That was almost a haiku.

You should make it one.


That Guy said:

Whenever there is a female user on the forums, I'd say about 99% of all the other users are immediately interested and want to see what she looks like. Why is that, by the way? Even if she was incredibly hot, the chances are about 0% that you'd ever have a chance with her. In fact, chances are better that its probably a dude with a hot chick avatar and just wants attention (that's kind of creepy too).

I think the internet is pretty much a hostile environment for women and if I were one, I would stay away from all forums, or I would choose a gender neutral name so I wouldn't get hounded by creepy men.

Pretty much.  In a forum filled with guys, it's better to just be one of the guys than a girl if only to avoid the negative attention.