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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Forbes ever learn? or "Why Apple Could Kill The Nintendo DS"

For a company whose flagship products are perpetually on the verge of collapse (or so the analysts say), Nintendo seems to be doing pretty well.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

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I vote with Fishy Joe and Plaupius: iPhone is no threat the the DS. Jobs will hype it though and APPL holders will get a little trading bump.

The urge to play is a terrible thing to waste.

FishyJoe said:

Even a pro-Apple journalist thinks this story is bunk.


Important quote from that that summarizes my thoughts:

"Suggesting that the iPhone will supplant the DS, however, makes me think of all those predictions that music-playing cell phones would kill the iPod dead. Because after all, the iPod only did one thing, right?

As you can see, that worked out well.

Look, Nintendo's been around the game market a long time, and if the recent success of the Wii shows anything, it's that they know how to compete against bigger, more powerful rivals, as long as the central issue is still playing games. Downloadable applications on the iPhone will certainly help the device succeed and, in my opinion, blow past the expected 10 million mark.

But don't expect that success to come at Nintendo's expense."


I said this in the other thread so here goes:

I hope they do this. Because by god I hope for a "Hello, I'm a DS! Hello, I'm an Iphone - what can you do?" commercial so we can pick it apart.

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