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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Multiple SKUs next go round? To be or not to be? That is the question.

I think that multiple SKU's make more sense for MS/Sony than for Ninty b/c they are at a high-enough price point to take advantage of somebody that wants their console w/out as many bells and whistles. Keep in mind that the analysts have been raving about the 40g PS3 and saying over and over that this has been a great thing for sony. I would extend the same benefits over to MS for their multiple SKU strategy.

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next gen there will be(provided there are still 3 competitors)

One playstation version
One Microsoft Version
One Nintendo Version

all 3 of them will be around the 250 to 350 dollar price point-most likely no higher than 299

Well, I think they should make only 1 base SKU, and sell optional bits and pieces for the hardcore. (Just like how most systems are packaged with just an RCA cable, and you'll have to buy the component one separately)

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Multiple SKUs will go the way of the dodo.

But for some reason MS seems to be content having three SKUs out at the same time, confusing the developer and customer alike, and not all having HDD is messing up being able to utilize the Hard drive, rather than it just being a very expensive way to save games.

lenardo1 said:
next gen there will be(provided there are still 3 competitors)

One playstation version
One Microsoft Version
One Nintendo Version

all 3 of them will be around the 250 to 350 dollar price point-most likely no higher than 299

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