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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How much use each console gets.

Gaming Breakdown

PS3 - 34%
PC - 26%
X360 - 20%
Wii - 20%

Around the Network

Its PS3 all the way for me baby!

Although i do occasionally play space invaders on my mobile...

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

PC - 100%

Other things are occasionally a percent sometime but I'm pretty sure this month I've only played PC games.

PC Gamer

PC/Console 66/33

Of the Consoles

Xbox360 - 60%
Wii (Just Wii sports lol) -30%
PS3 -10%


Mine would be:

PS3 - 75%
Wii - 25%


Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

PSN ID: smj1860

Around the Network

97%- PS3
3%- Watching my PS3 reboot for the umpteenth time after freezing up while browsing VGC. 10+ times today and counting!

Wee 90%
Wii 5%
PS3 5%
X360 1%

Yes I plays 90% with my Wee Yes I am that desperate! I even tried to get AIDS once, but even those people wouldn't do it with me

Before my 360 decided to take a shit it was:

PS3: 40%

360: 30%

PC: 30%


PS3: 80%

PC: 20% 

360- 70%
Wii- 20%
PS3- 10%

I would like to know the terms of the survey. If they only asked gamers who owned all three consoles then I can see these numbers being correct since a gamer with all three is essentially a so called hardcore and would likely play one of the HD consoles more often.

If the survey participants did not own all three what were the criteria for selection?