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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How much use each console gets.

At the moment, for me its-

PS3- 90%
DS- 10%
Xbox 360- 0% (RROD again)
PSP- 0% (Only because I'm going away for the summer and I'm saving it until then.)

When my 360 is alive, it's more like-

PS3- 60%
Xbox 360- 30%
DS- 10%


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In all my lifetime I would approximate this:

MegaDrive - 5-10%
N64 - 25-30%
GC - 35-40%
Wii - 25-30%

I think this kind of shows I have become more of a gamer as i get older... I had more games for the N64 than GC, yet GC got more time spent on it, and the time I have spent on the Wii (which I can actually track now.... over 1600 hours including all the channels [internet being quite a lot of that])

Sample size? Location of parent population? Statistics can be made to show any trend.

... does people really put down 80h a month on their 360's? On AVERAGE? If so, that is INSANE!


EDIT: 100th post! Yeay!

This is invisible text!


That's a good point, I've heard that before... I don't know, never had the icentive to get it though, maybe if I see it in action.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

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PS3 - 70%
PC - 25%
360/Everything else - 5%


oh yea I fogort the 2nd graph seems mathematically incorrect, all the other fields for the Wii are smaller than the overall sumed % vs the Xbox360 which is the total opposite.

Unless I'm readying each column wrong.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

well mine would go age 14 (Whole family included{Mostly just my mom age 40})

PS3 - 75% (47%)

Wii - 20% (52%)

PSP - 5% (1%)

DS - 0% (0%)

Mine would be:




We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce