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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What happens after pc sets itself apart graphically from ps360?

JaggedSac said:
All I am saying is that high-end pc gaming graphics are a niche market. Sure, 1.5 million copies of Crysis have been sold, but the vast majority played those games on medium quality or below. I will gladly pay $400 for 5 years and be happy with the fact that there are going to be games with amazing graphics available and not have to worry about ordering another motherboard that will allow me to have a physics chiip on it, or putting that shitty ass OS Vista on my comp. The main problem with pc development is optimizations. They can't optimize as well as a console can. There are too many variations so the experience is wildly varied depending on what your setup is. Look at the IGN review for proof. Lots of other reviewers had no problem with the game.

 This has nothing to do with what I'm saying though. By the time next year comes, most low end gaming pcs probably will be able to play it the same as medium end gaming pcs, and the same thing for medium end to high  end. Ports are going to become harder and harder, until developers won't care anymore. You missed the point of the thread by a mile. 

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JaggedSac said:
Damn, did you play with a mouse and keyboard. Seems like an awkward setup. What kind of TV is it?

i used mouse+keyboard to start the game and stuff, then my 360 controller.

PS360ForTheWin said:
JaggedSac said:
Damn, did you play with a mouse and keyboard. Seems like an awkward setup. What kind of TV is it?

i used mouse+keyboard to start the game and stuff, then my 360 controller.

 That must be very painful. I hate dual analog, I think they have special mouse& keyboards though for when using a tv for gaming. If not that would be a good idea for somebody to make. 

sc94597 said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
JaggedSac said:
Damn, did you play with a mouse and keyboard. Seems like an awkward setup. What kind of TV is it?

i used mouse+keyboard to start the game and stuff, then my 360 controller.

 That must be very painful. I hate dual analog, I think they have special mouse& keyboards though for when using a tv for gaming. If not that would be a good idea for somebody to make. 

I normally use my pc monitor, but i wanted to compare the 2 versions of the game on the same tv, which i seasier to do with my 360 controller, when im on my monitor, i just use keyboard/mouse.

sc94597 said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
JaggedSac said:
Damn, did you play with a mouse and keyboard. Seems like an awkward setup. What kind of TV is it?

i used mouse+keyboard to start the game and stuff, then my 360 controller.

That must be very painful. I hate dual analog, I think they have special mouse& keyboards though for when using a tv for gaming. If not that would be a good idea for somebody to make.

They do make it. But it is not very comfortable to play a game on your tv using a mouse and keyboard on your coffee table. I guess you could use a dinner tray or something. Or you could just put the tv on your pc desk.

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shio said:
Ickalanda said:
Oh and for those that think that no PC games are coming out any time soon that look better than Crysis that is 100% false.

Rage, Doom 4, and Quake 5 made by id Software are all going to have better graphics than Crysis and also RTS games such has StarCraft 2 are all advancing in graphics drastically for RTS games. I can guarantee that in one or two years there will be multiple games either released or announced that best Crysis for the PC.

I wouldn't mention Starcraft 2 as a graphical showcase, it's Blizzard we're talking about. But Empire: Total War looks like the RTS counterpart of Crysis, with amazing visuals for a game of it's scope.

 I agree, it really isn't a graphical showcase, but the fact that StarCraft 2 looks so good is a sign of how advanced PC graphics are getting since Blizzard tends to be more leniant towards the lower end PCs.

PC Gamer

Holy shit you have played alot of WoW. Your not that guy from the South Park episode are you? Six days of your life. The sad thing is that you are probably on the low end of the scale when it comes to WoW playtime.

JaggedSac said:
Holy shit you have played alot of WoW. Your not that guy from the South Park episode are you? Six days of your life. The sad thing is that you are probably on the low end of the scale when it comes to WoW playtime.


Oops sorry, I was speaking about Ickalanda.  Thing is I probably spent that much time playing TF for Quake.  Nobody has made a class based FPS that has come near to the balance that TF had.

JaggedSac said:
Holy shit you have played alot of WoW. Your not that guy from the South Park episode are you? Six days of your life. The sad thing is that you are probably on the low end of the scale when it comes to WoW playtime.


Haha, thats nothing.  I don't even have a WoW account and I've never hardcore played the game.  Thats just from 2 years of occasionally playing using friends accounts.  I haven't played the game since January now though.  It's an excellent game I just don't really have the money to pay for a monthly subscription and still play my other games I like.

Most people I know that play for real have 1000+ hours of WoW play time.  I'm pretty much noob in comparison I've never even gotten a character to 70, I've only borrowed.

PC Gamer