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Forums - Sales Discussion - Metal Gear Solid won't do as well as u all think in terms of visual numbers

Since Metal Gear Solid is going to be included in the new PS3 bundle, many copies will be sold but not charted on the MGS weekly sales so the game could technically be a 7 million dollar seller but only show one million. It's just like motor storm. I bet it's sold around 6-9 million units but they aren't shown because they came in a bundle.

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Bundles are tracked. Unless you think 20m+ Wii owners bought an extra copy of Wii Sports.

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Bundles are always count.....Except for the Master System where Alex the kid isn't on the charts.

bundle sales are counted, look at Wii Sports.

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Oh snap, I'm sorry, but misinformed posts ftw!



really? thank god.

Yups really :).

good so you guys wont have any excues at weak sales right?

Good job I only track audio sales.