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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 games to look out for in 2008.

bbsin said:
rocketpig said:
bbsin said:
Forget about Fable, I think it'll fall under the shadow of FallOut3. TooHuman however, has alot of upside.

I'm anticipating Fable far more than I am Fallout 3.

I'll think about buying Fallout 3 after the mod community gets their hands on it and turns it back into a proper Fallout game.

We all know what you think about Fallout 3.... >_> , so that's not very suprising.

And BTW: I've played Fallout1... and you were right about it being too dated. Next up is Fallout2.

Enjoy it. While the story isn't quite as solid as F1, every bit of the rest of the game is bigger and better.

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Gears of War 2
Soul Calibur IV
Fable 2
Too Human
Left 4 Dead

if you are football fan FIFA09 is the game for you!!!

Exactly my thought: Fable 2.
                                         GoW 2.
                                         Left 4 Dead.

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

Gamertag: MrKetchup911 (Add me up)

Fallout 3, Fable 2, BK2(if your into that kinda thing) and GOW 2 are going to turn people's brains to shit.

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Machina-AX said:
kingofwale said:
so.... I take it that exclusive = games on PC and 360?

I'd put Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts on that list

Doesn't have to be exclusive, multi-platform recommendations are just as good for me (a 360 game coming out in 2008 is a 360 game, regardless of any other platform it is on).

I've never played a Bnajo-Kazooie game but it looks a bit like Ratchet and Clank, and I can't say I ever liked R&C.

Banjo Kazooie is in no way like Rachet and Clank.  That goes for both the first two games and what we know about Nuts and Bolts.  I'm not saying you will like what BK:N&B will be (but I reckon it will be stunning), but dont run away thinking its anything like R&C.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

rocketpig said:
bbsin said:
Forget about Fable, I think it'll fall under the shadow of FallOut3. TooHuman however, has alot of upside.

I'm anticipating Fable far more than I am Fallout 3.

I'll think about buying Fallout 3 after the mod community gets their hands on it and turns it back into a proper Fallout game.



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

what i am personally looking forward to as a big fighting/ rpg/ and shooter fan the 360 is a dream this year soul caliber 4, and street fighter 4, maybe dbz: burst limit. tales of vesperia, infinite undiscovery, fable 2, too human, left 4 dead, and gears 2.
bk:nab is also on my radar not a big platforming fan but it looks like it will have awesome online and co-op and original concept. if u are a platforming fan prince of Persia and the new sonic should be awesome

ok so me you add up all the good games people named here and you have my list lol....
probably won't buy them all.... because some won't be as good as i expect....but i'm looking forward to them

Don't care about fallout 3 at all. Bethesda have to earn my purchase of that game.

Games to look out for.

Halo wars. Its about time a high profile RTS was made on consoles. It has the potential to be huge and open up the genre to console players (if it actually plays well that is).

BK nuts and bolts. Its a completely different direction, will it work? I can't wait to find out.

Too Human. Has the potential to be the Diablo of consoles. My pick for the sleeper hit of the year.