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Forums - Sales Discussion - So is this the ime for Ninty to stockpile Wii to counter MGS4?

GodofWine said:

How in the world would an in stock Wii cause someone who wanted to buy a PS3 to not buy a PS3 exactly?

Besides the fact that these two systems both spin shiny disc and output on to a TV, there is very little competition in people's minds on whether "Hmmm, do I want a PS3 and its type of game (shooter / driving / etc), or do I want a Wii and its unique game play and style of game?"

 Everyone I know with a Wii, never considered a PS3 / 360, and everyone I know with a PS3 / 360 does not have any inclination to play Mario Kart over Gran Turismo / Forza.  (only the truly hardcore game system owners who post on websites like this typically own 2-3 consoles, normal (no offense meant!! ) people have one)

Wii just found a new group of buyers (casuals), and is priced well / with the right SW to connect to parents with young children. But Super Smash will never compete with MGS4 or GoW directly.

All are great machines that do amazing things, but I think the Wii is unto a new category of its own and all this Wii vs. the others is not a perfectly valid comparison.

 ^^ and thats my opinion as a marketing guy.

It's not that Nintendo is trying to persuade every potential PS3 buying to purchase a Wii, but to let people who want to buy a Wii have the possibility. And by doing this, it will increase the sales of the Wii to hopefully pass that of the PS3.


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DMeisterJ said:
So, Ninty obviously wasn't stockpiling for MGS4 release week...

What's the next excuse?

You know, if you don't want Nintendo fans to come in here and start throwing around the fact that the PS3's "domination" will probably only last two or three weeks, you really shouldn't bait them like that.

I really wish we would just let this whole stockpile thing slide. Sometimes Nintendo stockpiles and happens to release loads of units (see Mario Kart week), othertimes they stockpile units and don't release the units (see the last few weeks in America). Pretending that they don't stockpile is blind fanboyish, since they obviously got those 400k units from somewhere for the week of Mario Kart, and last Christmas wouldn't have had the units if they didn't stockpile. And all companies stockpile (yes, even Sony and Microsoft are stockpiling a few units for holiday, though they probably won't do massive stockpiling unit a little later), because it's not possible to have production at 4 million a month for December, then go back to 1.5 million a month or so. Instead you produce 1.8 million a month, sell 1.5 million of it, and by the end of the year, you have an additional 3 million units.

Also, some people predicted that Nintendo was going to release those units this week. Obviously they didn't, so those people were wrong (I was one of them, I predicted 250k in America this week in the prediction league). Now if you've never been wrong on a prediction before, then congratuations, but that doesn't give you the right to mock those users.

Now obviously you weren't really mocking them (you're better than that), and I know it was more of a joke, but unfortunately the crazy fanboys won't care, and will go all crazy and start throwing the same old stuff out, at which time you'll get upset that they don't give credit where credit is due, and then we'll just have another NA Sales Week thread.