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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Those who think game reviews are worthless...

azrm2k said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
I LOVE game reviews, I'm just not to impressed with scores this generation :P

For anyone that might care, PLAY magazine just stopped giving review scores, they give AMAZING reviews and they're sooo well constructed, reading game reviews has never been so poetic to me ^^

While i'm usually all for the "read the review/disregard the number at the end" philosophy are you actually praising PLAY magazine's reviews? The same PLAY that when they still used numerical scores gave Lair an absurd 9/10?!?!?! I haven't read their reviews so I can't speak to their writing style but if any site/magazine is to be taken with a grain of salt PLAY should be taken with boxes of it.

 I am indeed talking about the same magazine, in fact, in one of the recent issues they talk about why they score everything so highly and that it's impossible for them to measure how much joy a game can bring them. They complain about the current system and how it leaves little room for things such as simple joy, artistic direction, etc etc. 


The thing I LOVE about play is not the scores, but reading the review and seeing exactly why the rated it so. I didn't agree with the lair score, I haven't played the game yet to be honest, but I have no doubts that they have a good reason either. Play magazine did they're games of the year edition, and here were a few of the editorial picks.

Dave Halverson game of the year, Heavenly Sword. And when you read his review you'll definitely understand why.

Brady Fletcher, Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction

Heather Halo 3, and for far better reasons than any other magazine listed.

 There staff goes against everything that seems mainstream and they break down reviews so amazingly :P Pick up an issue some time and just judge it yourself ^^

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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reviews are often drivel, i never base my game purchases on reviews alone.

Reviews are a helpful resource, but they shake their readers trust when they overrate games that were overhyped: Halo 3, GTA4, etc... Though it should be over for awhile,(no title of the magnitude of the 2 I just mentinoed are coming out anytime soon) they have only themselves to blame for their skewed reviews. I also bought Cod4 due to its review.

I totally agree. Play's reviews are great.