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Forums - General Discussion - Who gets the HDMI port?

Dogs Rule said:

If your TV and its decoder support it, why not use Component for that, since broadcasts are 720p and 1080i only. Give priority to the PS3 if you only have 1 HDMI and don't want to switch.



HDMI switches( 35$) sre much cheaper than component switches (over 100$)

Dogs don't rule. You rule! Thanks for the info!

Around the Network

Turns out, my 3rd party Wii component cables had extra connections for a 360 and a PS3. My TV only does 1080i, so the HDMI issue turned out to not even be an issue.

On an unrelated note, my PS3 and Wii share the cable. I turned them on at the same time to see what would happen. The Wii gets overridden by the PS3. I guess the PS3 really is more powerful!!!