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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom's New Wii game - Spyborgs...

I'm hoping for N64 style Rare wittyness (primarily seen in BK and Conker).. and i'm thinking from what we know so far that it will follow through with that

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The game will probably turn out to be great... but why did they choose such a terrible name? It won't be good for sales I can imagine...

Chrizum said:
The game will probably turn out to be great... but why did they choose such a terrible name? It won't be good for sales I can imagine...
The name isn't that bad.  If you want a game with a bad name, try Infinite Undiscovery.


Riachu said:
Chrizum said:
The game will probably turn out to be great... but why did they choose such a terrible name? It won't be good for sales I can imagine...
The name isn't that bad.  If you want a game with a bad name, try Infinite Undiscovery.


It's not bad. It's just really Japanese, and a sort of in-reference to another tri-Ace game.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Soriku said:

So, what's the verdict so far? Is this a game you should keep on your radar? Honestly, at this point, we just can't say. Because what we still can't seem to figure out (even after asking the developers directly) is what audience they're making the game for. It's got humor that some would consider mature, character designs that would appeal to kids and controls that are too early to put into either category.

 Hmm, the bolded part suggests I'm their target audience. How intriguing.

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ameratsu said:
What were people expecting... RE5 for the Wii? This game looks like it could be pretty good (though i'm not sure about the target demographic, i like the art style) Seriously I don't know what you Wii owners want.

Actually, I think they did want a game like RE5, or at least some more sequels to some major franchises.  

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

well it looks better than anything ubi has made recently

so it has to have some level of decency

i think it looks great
the graphics need a bit of an update
but who knows, maybe they'll retouch?

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

All my complains it´s not about this game. People doesn´t understand me.
My complains it´s for capcom. xbox/ps3 have many important titles and capcom put a lots of money in those games but wii only have one half good tittle.

if the game it´s good ( for example as Death Jr: Root of Evil ) but it´s the only capcom tittle until 2009. Monster hunter tri cant be a example because nintendo puts money for this as fatal frame 4, red steel or tales of symphonia )
If capcom puts 3 top tittles in other consoles ( bionic command resident evil 5 and sfiv) i only want 1 top tittles.

After watching the trailer I will definitely be putting this on my list of games to watch out for. However as the preview stated this game could go either way so any purchase will definitely be very much influenced by reviews and other gamer impressions.

So the developer comparing the game to a saturday morning cartoon is supposed to make me feel better?

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.