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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom's New Wii game - Spyborgs...

Yeah, I want to see what they do with it. The metafictional saturday morning cartoon based theme seems interesting, and according to IGN it's not really that kiddy. They mention that there is profanity, and some strong enough to bleep out, though there does seem to be alot of toilet humor too. We'll just see. At best it turns out like viewtiful joe, an awesome game with what appears to be a sort of kiddy exterior, but really way to awesome for stupid kids to play. Hey, get out of my yard!!!! I gotta go...

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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It seems so familiar, art wise, it seems like a fusion of other games.
Oddly western also.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Damn, every time I think I'm getting used to the name, it makes me cringe again.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

The trailer just sparked my intrest

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

looks very interesting to me, especially the 1st screenshot, shows that it will be something like Zack&Wiki humour style game!! lolz.....

Wii console: 0595 8808 5698 2709
Super Smash Bros Brawl: 1161 1357 5188

Mario Kart Wii: 1633 4506 4319

PES 2008: 1633 5820 0347

DragonBall Z BT 3: 3823 9760 9484

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Can't you see the potentiel : team play, different caracters with unique abilities...

I already love the style artwise and the humour in it

it's going to be a new standard

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lvader said:
If you buy a Nintendo console you have to expect games (even 3rd party one) to have a certain look (often described as kiddy). If you want mature/ photo realistic, the Wii (or any Nitendo console) is wrong for you.

Cartoons aren't just for kids anymore.  Ever heard of hentai?


konnichiwa said:
BengaBenga said:
mrkk said:
First Ubisoft, now Capcom.
It's like third parties didn't want the Wii to succeed...

Seriously: quit moaning already. WTF has this game to do with Babiez Party?!? Absolutely NOTHING!
The artstyle looks cool, it has some humor and great characters. You may not like these kind of games, that's alright, but every blind frog can see that this game is going to have quality. Maybe not yet in the visual department, bu it is set for a 2009 release so a lot can be done to it.

Capcom =/= Ubisoft. We have RE4Wii, Zack & Wiki and Okami and will get Spyborgs, Hot Shot Golf and Monster Hunter (and probably Streetfighter 4 as well) so STFU about Capcom! I mean it.

 Wow,  RE4 Wii = Port,  Okami =   Port who didn't worked out that well.  zack Wiki is good though....Hot shot golf ..A golf game hurray =p.....Monster Hunter 3,  No one cared about the first two parts over here now we do?;..=p Well wait and see..

Street fighter 4,  serious keep on dreaming

 Hey, I've had enough of your golf-bashing!  The Wii is the ultimate golf gaming system!  And Capcom's giving us online golf with Miis and Capcom characters!

Dark Void and Spyborgs are the two biggest titles our office is working on. To say that either of them isn't an incredibly high priority for the company, with major resources against them would be a pretty big misunderstanding of the reality.

The team working on Spyborgs is an all-star team of some of the best character action game developers in the world, backed by us. Have faith.

This is a game that is incredibly thoughtful in its design, incredibly varied in its mechanics and will be incredibly fun to play (both alone or with a buddy/son or daugther/father or mother) when its done.

The initial reaction here I swear is the EXACT reaction so many of you posters had when we first revealed Zach & Wiki. Somehow, Z&W is now a posterchild title for the Wii in your eyes. Mark my words... you will feel exactly the same way about the level of quality in Spyborgs when it is done.
Christian Svensson
Capcom Entertainment Inc. - Corporate Officer/Vice-President of Strategic Planning & Business Development

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"Is Ratchet & Clank a "kiddie" game?" he added

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