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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I played Ninja Gaiden 2 today for 4 hours and...

What is the score that you give NG2 currently?

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I know I would give it an 8.5, here are my complaints which I already posted:

I'm not enjoying Ninja Gaiden 2 as much as I would have thought, I really like the combat and fighting against multiple enemy's but the bosses just piss me off, it's not about skill but more about luck against them, usually they have a super annoying attack which makes you loose half of your health and you cannot evade it. So to beat them you have to be lucky and hope they don't use it too fast or too much. besides that the framerates often drop and the loading times aren't the best I've seen either, while graphics aren't really good either, yes the splatter effects are amazing, and the animation is one of the best I've ever seen, but there just not much detail in the backgrounds and they look kinda empty, still defiantly an 8+ game, but I think I agree with the reviewers that it's not an 9+ game. A well Ninja Gaiden: black just raised the bar too much I guess.

LOL I just beat the fourth boss without even trying just doing the up slice the whole time and his regular attacks can't hit you, next to that it does a lot of damage.

I wish there was a game which combines the boss fights and the cutscenes and story from devil may cry, and that the rest is coming from ninja gaiden, (the fighting system and the AI).


BTW I'm still agreeing with myself I'm now on the 7th level.

Good ,I am thinking of getting a second hand 360 to play this and Lost Oddysey.

macross said:
What is the score that you give NG2 currently?

I'm not done yet with the game...but if I was to review it now, I'd give it a 9.

The only thing that annoys me is the camera. It doesn't take away from the gameplay too much as you attack the enemy clsoest to you, but because you fight in really tight corridors, you sometiems cant see who you are hitting.

 Otherwise, like I said...the game makes me feel like when I played contra 3 on the snes.

I don't mind the boss fights like SleepWalking need to stock up on heath bars (or weeds in this case) but they are beatable.

Diomedes1976 said:
Good ,I am thinking of getting a second hand 360 to play this and Lost Oddysey.

 A second hand 360 is risky. Ensure it works before you buy it.

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@ disolitude

Look, what I have heard from most reviewers is this, if you loved the first NG, you will love this one. If were frustrated or hated the first one, don't pick this up or least rent it first because none of the things that was wrong with the first one didn't get fixed in this one.
Is that a true statement?

I'm just saying...


Depends what you thought was wrong with the first one. Difficulty isn't an issue. The game is still challenging but I played the first 2 stages on easy before starting over on normal and i did not die once.

Camera...yes, still an issue.

Cheesy story...While true, there are some cool things in well as clad women which is always a plus. :) Nevertheless, saying you are playing Ninja gaiden for the story is like saying you are watching CNN for the latest unbiased world news.

Was anything else wrong with NG1?

Itagaki said this game is his vision of Ninja Gaiden...and that he is done with the series after this. So I don't think his intention was to make this appeal to fans of the first one...but instead he made the game he wanted to make.

Maybe these things we call issues is something that he likes and was part of his vision all along? Game developers do this less and less these I appreciate when someone sticks to what they want rather than hiring a commitie to work on what will please the fans the most while also appealing to a wider audience.

@disolitude - what is the rate in which you get new weapons?


One every level. The stick is my fave by far.

disolitude said:

One every level. The stick is my fave by far.

 The stick as in..... Lunar? Because the ease of use, range and splash damage is what made that weapon great.