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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is the Wii reaping the rewards?

First of all, no trolling. I don't want to hear it. State your opinion, but keep it relevant and friendly.


My question is this

Recently I have noticed alot of promising, mature 3rd party games being announced for the Wii. It seems to me that most 3rd party developers are starting to put effort into their Wii games. I believe this is because developers are seeing the Wii increase its market share, especially in the USA. Do you agree?

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Can you name some who are being announced recently and what is for you recently?

I can in fact think of Conduit but then it somehow stops..

Madworld looks promising. But I wouldn't go so far as to suggest that it is reaping the rewards yet, especially given Ubisofts line up.

Yeah, but Ubisoft is one company (besides, new prince of persia and Red Steel 2 should be awesome)
Lucas arts is all over the Wii
EA is giving the Wii some good casual games
Capcom are giving the Wii lots of good mature games as an example

Conduit as you said
Fatal Frame

The fact that there are 100 Wiiware titles in development

3rd party Wii game quality = No comment.

1st party Nintendo games = top games on Wii.

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Rock_on_2008 said:

3rd party Wii game quality = No comment.

1st party Nintendo games = top games on Wii.

 Wow, that should I put it...unusually civilized for you.

 Third parties are starting to come around. However, they have a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, jumbo hotdog way to go.

The Wii wont and never will be,the PS2.

You're right. Wiis don't break.

Aurally examine my music!

Wear gaudy colours or avoid display. It's all the same.

Be warned, I will use walls of polysyllables and complex clauses as a defence against lucid argument.

Wand to read a creepy thread?

*bleu-ocelot* said:
The Wii wont and never will be,the PS2.

 they both have ninja breadman nuff said :)

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

I think it's the opposite, 3rd party dev's are still holding back.

Madworld - Looks like another NMH: Style over substance

The Conduit - Sounds like what happens when master chief has a baby with samus = Halo with Prime 3 Controls

Fatal Frame - I've never been a fan of the series, so I can't comment

Force unleashed - Probably the biggest non-nintendo title I'm looking forward to, this game is going to be fantastic (or at least I hope so).

Aside from the force unleashed and fatal frame (that I can't comment on), I'm highly sceptical of the other two games. I think conduit will be better than madworld but by how much is still up for debate.