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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Itagaki quits and sues Tecmo

reading the topic I thought it would be one of Itagakis scandals again, but it seems he had a surprisingly valid reason - well, he surely will find a new place to work at

@ SpartanFX)

judging by his press release that seems to be the case - maybe his contract was set up in that manner, that his IPs are staying at Tecmo, if he decided to leave the company before the contract expires (and in that case he might have been mobbed out)

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if he were to start his own dev company then I guess he either gets funding from somewhere to continue developing on HD consoles, attempts to get the backing from publishers but then of course he has to make the titles they want him to or develops for the Wii.

It's a good time this gen for these breakaway dev companies to think about starting up cos the Wii offers a cheap cost platform with the option of Wii Ware to knock out a gem or two to try and subsidise the costs.

Come on Itagaki - you know you want to, run to the white box


Lafiel said:
reading the topic I thought it would be one of Itagakis scandals again, but it seems he had a surprisingly valid reason - well, he surely will find a new place to work at

@ SpartanFX)

judging by his press release that seems to be the case - maybe his contract was set up in that manner, that his IPs are staying at Tecmo, if he decided to leave the company before the contract expires (and in that case he might have been mobbed out)


That's a very good point actually - wonder if they did gain anything like that by him quitting, boycott contracts!!



I've never heard of a guy quitting a company and taking any IP with them. It's almost always the publisher, or the developing company which owns the IP. I can't think of any examples of a single person owning an IP unless it was developed independently by that person.

Lafiel said:
reading the topic I thought it would be one of Itagakis scandals again, but it seems he had a surprisingly valid reason - well, he surely will find a new place to work at

@ SpartanFX)

judging by his press release that seems to be the case - maybe his contract was set up in that manner, that his IPs are staying at Tecmo, if he decided to leave the company before the contract expires (and in that case he might have been mobbed out)

 good,,cause he was a strong conncetion between MS and tecmo ,,,he mostly didn't want to work on PS3 hardware,,,even for ninja gaiden sigma tecmo made other staff to work on the port(he didn't want to work on the port)


so basically he was like dam standing infront of any ports to PS3,,,with him gone I can easily see tecmo releasing DOA on PS3 aswell as xbox. 




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It is a sad day for exaggerated breast physics.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Maybe he will join Mistwalker :)

With no Itagaki the genius behind Dead or Alive and Ninja gaiden series. PS3 and 360 may get both next installments in those series.
With no Kojima at the helm of Konami. MGS 5 could appear on both PS3 and 360.

The number of console exclusive series will become less and less over time. Developers hold no loyalty to any console and only care at making huge amounts of money by porting high selling popular franchises.

GTA and DMC series once PS only franchises have now been ported to 360 along with PS3 DMC 4 and GTA 4. More money is made for the game developers. Imagine if COD 4 and Assassins Creed were only PS3 exclusives games? Developers would miss out on huge amounts of money to make a 360 port of the PS3 version.

The quality of DoA, Ninja gaiden and MGS series with the creator(s) no longer at the helm may well lead to inferior quality games in their series. That however remains in the hands of the gods and time will reveal all.

@ Eagles )

then the next game will not only have that approach system LO has, but a complete beat'em up engine :P (and a very different art style )

Aprisaiden said:
wow im surprised no one has noticed that he is sueing them for 148 million yen ... or OVER $1 million USD ... which he claims he is owed for complting DOA4...

It sounds like he is simply demanding too much of Temco...

Your post makes me wanna throw up, so presumptuous. Did you consider that that may be the amount they actually owe him? Bonus amounts are usually either predefined, or the result of a predefined formula based on some objective parameters (for example sales, profit and such).


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