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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 90 minute cut scenes/install size discussed on X-Play

On the 6/2 X-Play Adam talked about EGM choosing not to review the game, and MTV’s Stephen Totilo joined him to discuss the Konami restrictions and the overall state of game reviewing (Adam called it a seedy business).  Both of them agreed it was fine for Konami to demand reviewers not give away important plot spoilers, ut that it was not OK to try and hide not only the 90 minute cutscenes, but technical issues, like the large amount of space taken up on a PS3’s hard drive by the install of the game. They thought if someone had a 20 gig PS3, they are entitled to know that the install is 1/5 of the hard drive, so the might need to remove other content just to play MGS4. Adam added that many gamers only have limited time to play a game daily and they deserved to know that there are cutscenes that are as long as a full movie.


 They also discussed the fact that many gaming companies are allowing early reviews if they are favorable, but will not allow poor scores to be released until after the games been released. Though that has been discussed on this board many times, it was nice to hear it reach a bigger audience via X-Play.  

After several other features and reviews, Adam closed the show, and Morgan piped in "I guess Konami's in trouble, huh?". Adam shook his head and said "90 minute scenes........", continues to shake head. End of show.  

 I know the game is going to get great reviews, but tonight's broadcast only focused on the negatives.

BAM! There it is!
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so how much gb's are we talking about for install?

DogWeed said:
so how much gb's are we talking about for install?


Is this why that report came out that Konami said 50gigs wasn't enough? Because they are including both a massive game and a full BR movie?

radioioRobert said:

They thought if someone had a 20 gig PS3, they are entitled to know that the install is 1/5 of the hard drive, so the might need to remove other content just to play MGS4.

Umm, it is right on the back of the box, no? And EGM is reviewing it next month.

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The more MGS4 and Konami get criticized for tampering reviews, the better. Most Videogame reviewers don't mind altering the scores to better serve the publishers. They are corrupt: IGN, Gamespot, Gametrailers, everyone.

Why wasn't this brought up with Halo 3's/GTA 4's review? I wonder what the "conditions" were for the early review.

Ssyn said:
Why wasn't this brought up with Halo 3's/GTA 4's review? I wonder what the "conditions" were for the early review.

 we've talked about this before and how it is BS.  I don't remember the embargo on GTA4 but Halo 3 many people thought it was BS.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Why the big deal over the 4gb mandatory install now when thats been the case for how many PS3 games now?

darconi said:
Why the big deal over the 4gb mandatory install now when thats been the case for how many PS3 games now?


Out of my 10 ps3 games i have 3 games that i can think of that have 4 gb installs , GTA4, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Oblivion. NGS has a voluntary install and GTA4 and Oblivion are mandatory but they really do help with loading times and it will be worth it in the long run If it takes 10 minutes of installs to save myself 40minutes to 70minutes of loading in a game 

My Top 5 Games of All Time

1. FF7 4. SSX Tricky

2. FE7 5. RE4

3. MGS4