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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My friends 360 broke for the second time - he's getting a PS3!

My first 360 was an Elite and it RRoD within 6 hours of my purchase. I returned it for a new 360 and haven't had any problem since but I did buy a PS3 two months later though. It kinda sucks that I primarily use my PS3 for Blu-Ray movies. Once MGS4 is released, that will change.

Proud Owner of all 3 current-gen systems

Currently Playing:
SSBB, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, MKWii, GTA IV (360), MGS4, DQIV, Jeanne d'Arc, FFVII: Crisis Core, Chrono Trigger (PSX)

Mario Kart FC: 4897-6731-4375
SSBB FC: 1504-5406-8515
Wii Friends Code: 1020-2726-1535-3964

PSN: PhatLaosBoi

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WinterFreshX said:
Yeah I'm fairly sure that he can get it fixed if he simply calls MS. The warranty lasts for three years.

He can get the PS3 if he still wants, but why not have a free 360 to go along with it? Worth a try either way.

 How is it free? He paid for it in the first place and had to go trough the terrible process of returning it twice. You don't simply call MS and expect little furry birds to pick it up and have them return with a 360 all wrapped up with extra presents do you? Having your console die and not being able to play for several weeks isn't simple, but extremely annoying (no matter what brand it is ofcourse). MS deserves to get it's ass kicked for deciding to release the 360 in it's current stat, and defending them with lame comments like " Yeah I'm fairly sure that he can get it fixed if he simply calls MS. The warranty lasts for three years." is utter crap. MS should have released a good product in the first place instead of the console of death which only hurts it's consumers by not being able to play.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


rocketpig said:
coolestguyever said:

I guess thats what he gets for not being brand loyal. He had a PS1 and PS2, but this gen went with the cheaper 360. And this is what he gets.

Yes, because playing my PS1 upside down and getting DREs all over the place with the PS2 was a real hoot. If that's not enough to make someone "brand loyal", I don't know what is.



I can't hear you.


The main reason why I think the 360 is a bad console, not sturdy and support is very much lacking. The entry price is also low enough to lure in many kids, but IMO the console just isn't suitable with all its RRoD, need to pay for online play and DVD drive related issues (including disc scratching, especially prone if to this when the console moves).

I don't expect kids or even most parents to realize the extend of such issues when buying this console.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

why did he miss the warranty???

Around the Network
MikeB said:
The main reason why I think the 360 is a bad console, not sturdy and support is very much lacking. The entry price is also low enough to lure in many kids, but IMO the console just isn't suitable with all its RRoD, need to pay for online play and DVD drive related issues (including disc scratching, especially prone if to this when the console moves).

I don't expect kids or even most parents to realize the extend of such issues when buying this console.

 I can see by your comment and signature that your a SONY fanboy in denial. The newer consoles(Falcon) have literally removed all of its problems while the newer PS3 consoles have just added problems(no BC). Also, why would children buy the PS3 when its more expensive and the less games, less variety and games are usually better on the 360. Wow its pretty lame that all SONY fanboys can point towards is RROD. Their probably like shit  we can't say anything bad about the games and anything else so lets make ourselves feel good and point towards its hardware problems even though PS2 had alot too.

I dunno what to do about HD consoles this gen...
360 currently has like 5x as many games I want as PS3, but by then end of 2009 it should only have about 2x as many games. Then again, I can watch HD movies on a PS3, and remote play seems really cool...

Congrats, he came just in time for some great games! MGS4 esp :)

rocketpig said:
Oh, I think ME2 will definitely go to the PS3. Just not the original.

>_>...... That would be catastrophic.

zero129 said:
Lol don't ya just love sony fanboys :) , they are so cute...
Lets tell all our friends to buy PS3's that will work!!..
LOL sure it will -_- .

Ever heard of "word of mouth"? I've seen hardcore Playstation fanboys get a 360 just to play with their friends.

cebrian said:
wasnt RRoD warranty extended to 3 years?

 Yes, and for that reason I'm calling BS on the entire OP.

MikeB said:
The main reason why I think the 360 is a bad console, not sturdy and support is very much lacking. The entry price is also low enough to lure in many kids, but IMO the console just isn't suitable with all its RRoD, need to pay for online play and DVD drive related issues (including disc scratching, especially prone if to this when the console moves).

I don't expect kids or even most parents to realize the extend of such issues when buying this console.

  Study up on inertia - this will happen if you try to move any console while the disk is spinning.