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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Petition against EA's half done and "Family Play" games.

quigontcb said:
d21lewis said:
I may be wrong, but being wrong never stopped me from saying what's on my mind, anyway.

If EA put a ton of effort into developing a sports title for the Wii (the best graphics possible, innovative motion control, etc...) it would still pale in comparison to a PS3/360 version that pushed the envelope. I'm sure you'd appreciate it, but most gamers are likely going to go for the HD (or even the PS2) version, anyway. I can't exactly fault EA for this trend. The Wii is an awesome system but sports games, fps's, and such are not the Wii's strong suit/ selling point.

You have the right to demand more. You don't have to settle for the scraps you are given, but in this instance, I think that your complaints will fall on deaf ears.

 Whether or not FPS's or sports game are the Wii's selling point or not doesn't excuse a poor effort from devs. If it's not the system's strong suit, that fault would also fall into the dev's laps. Metroid Prime 3 has great FPS controls, so it's not like it can't be done. Madden 08's controls worked well, so that can also be done. the problem with Madden 08 was all of the bugs in the game and the broken online that makes Brawl's online look like XBL-level stuff.

And a good effort on a Wii sports game can be on the same level as an HD sports game, unless of course you judge a game by how HD it is. I had lost interest in Madden after playing it since the early 90's until the Wii Madden games reignited the passion. 

I don't have a problem with Family Play, All Play, or whatever it's called now. As long as there is regular Wii control options, I don't care if they have other options. 

Metroid Prime 3 is incredible. Easily in my top 5 of 2007. A good game of any genre is do-able on the Wii. Problem is: Nintendo is sort of the only one pushing the console. My favorite racing, fighting, fps, platform, adventure and mini-game collection of this gen are ALL on the Wii. Sadly, they're ALL made by Nintendo. I appreciate substance over flash, but most third parties feel (rightly so?) that this is a visual medium. Flashy graphics are easier to make than compelling gameplay. That's why I love Nintendo. They are excelling at the latter. I don't think it's fair to single out EA for doing what everybody else is doing.