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Forums - Gaming Discussion - To Wii only owners who are pissed at 3rd parties' attitude.

Yeah, I bought a 360 next to my Wii to play them shooters and other exclusives, but I think I can survive with only my Wii.
Nevertheless, I will be buying a PS3 in a couple of years, when the price goed down.

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No. I don't go through even the current Wii lineup fast enough to need another console. There are only a couple of blockbusters on the other systems that I'm interested in, and hence I won't buy a new console just for them.

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2 late already got a a HD console (infact both HD consoles) because 3rd parties screwed wii owners over, however it took me a full year of owning my wii before i made this choice. However i still buy more games for my wii then i do for my HD consoles

wii friend code: 3164-3458-9149-5470

PSN ID: youjiro87

360 Gamertag: PM me to find out!

There about 3 games on the other consoles that interest me so it's not really justified for me to get another console. I actually prefer the 3rd party games on the Wii and by far too those on the other consoles. I am just furious some stupid companies (like Ubisoft) produce shit but most of the others are good.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


I´m going to buy another console, but at the end of the gen...

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I have all the consoles, but the Wii has the majority of the 'major' games as far as I'm concerned. If I had to choose between MKWii and GTA4 (which I both own), MKWii would win hands down.

At the start of this generation I was planning on getting a Wii to start with and PS3 later after it came down in price after a year or two.

It did come down in price, but I am more satisfied with the wii than I expected.  So, for right now, I am thinking I spend too much money and time on games and probably will not be getting a PS3 or 360 anytime soon. I would rather pick up another 8 or more games for the wii than pick up a PS3 with one game.

I might eventually still get a PS3 eventually... but probably not until I can get it for $200 on ebay bundled with a dozen games.


I am a little disappointed that more quality games are not coming to the wii, but... honestly there is more than enough that are that I don't care.

perhaps if the HD consoles were more reasonably priced I might be more inclined to get one, but it's just too expensive imo to own and buy games for both the Wii and one of the HD Consoles(ps3/360)

The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.

I really don't feel the need to buy another console. Sure, PS360 have some amazing games, but the underratedly large list of strong 3rd party games coupled with the unbelievable quality of Nintendo's first party work, I just don't have enough time on my hands to get more good games. Not enough money either.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Price will, at least for quite some time, prevent me from getting an HD console. I have things other than gaming that I want to spend money on. (if I had money to spend, that is)

Plus, it just doesn't seem worth it. The HD consoles offer mostly FPS-type games, and, while I enjoy the occasional shooter, it's not something I can spend a whole lot of time on. I prefer RPG, strategy, racing, adventure and such. (I doesn't fit with the others)

I like some of the stuff coming up for PS3, such as Disgaea 3(I cry at night knowing I won't be able to play it) and FFXIII.(if it's better than that awful waste of time that was FF12) But I just can't imagine paying several hundred dollars, just to play a few games.