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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubi tries to bail out

Imperial said:

There's other developers that are making {quality} Wii games , quit bitchin.

I don't think people are upset that Ubisoft is producing bad games for the Wii, they're upset that Ubisoft promised quailty titles for the Wii, announced crappy titles, and then a representative said (essentially) that their awful Wii games were there to fund their good XBox 360/PS3 games.

People are (mostly) alright with Epic's approach because they're upfront and honest that they have no interest in producing Wii games; people are also alright with Majesco's approach of producing simple unconventional games for the Wii; and people are not alright with Ubisoft's dishonest approach of promising one thing and delivering something else.

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sc94597 said:
trestres said:
@DMJ: You are fucking annoying, you like to flamebait and then report like a little kid, you should have been banned long ago, I dont know how a person like you is still allowed to post.
You post in a way that it annoys everyone that you disagree with.
Check out no one jumped until you posted that shit.
Shit stirrer.

 This is the word you are looking for


Hrm... I would take that, if you called NJ5 an instigator also.  Since he started the dialog.

DMeisterJ said:
trestres said:
@DMJ: You are fucking annoying, you like to flamebait and then report like a little kid, you should have been banned long ago, I dont know how a person like you is still allowed to post.
You post in a way that it annoys everyone that you disagree with.
Check out no one jumped until you posted that shit.
Shit stirrer.

Erm... who did I report in this thread?

Was my post any more inflammatory than NJ5's?

(both answers are no.)

Now I'm a "shit-stirrer", great job stealing that from NJ5. Be original when you name-call me next time.

If we're going to talk about inflamatory, maybe we can discuss the thread where the biggest flamefest happened, which was created by you and then locked.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

iFlower7 said:
Where did all this Ubisoft hate come from?

First it was this, but it wasn't as bad as it is now.



Then the real conflict started with this.


rocketpig said:
ItsaMii said:
rocketpig said:
sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:


So what? There are plenty of companies whose games I don't buy.

Seriously, the people on this forum sound like petulant children who just had their favorite lollipop taken away from them.

I agree. It is almost as pathectic as those user complaining about Fallout 3. The industry does not have to cater to their tastes.

Fallout 3 is a kick in in the balls to those who previously enjoyed the series.

There's quite a bit of a difference there. It would be akin to George Lucas signing off rights to the Star Wars movies to Uwe Boll. People have a right to complain about the direction the series is going. The big difference is that I don't recall hearing the word "boycott" once in any of those discussions. People just said they aren't going to buy the game.

On the other hand, Wii fans are complaining about games they've never played that aren't announced for their system. It's like bitching at the sun every morning for rising in the east because your bedroom window has east-facing windows.


Wii owners are complaining about the jump in quality from GC to the Wii. They are complaining about Ubisoft broken promises and delivering crap no one wants. Do not mix things up, the complain is not about HD console support, but the lack of support for the Wii despise a lot of praise and promises.

Why should you have the right to be all whiny about a game you loved, yet the Wii crowd should just grow up? What if someone here loved BGE more than you love Fallout series? Is it okay for them to bitch about the artstyle and Ubisoft decisions (which may lead to poor sales again)? Unless you do a survey with GC owners about their opinion on old Ubisoft games and the current Wii library, you can`t say that your reasons for disliking Fallout 3 are better.  You are just being a hypocrite.

Study more about boycotts. Someone who likes Nintendo games can boycott them based on the Greenpeace report. There is not a rule to boycott companies. Customers boycott companies for all kinds of reasons (stupid or not). Recently Everyone was boycotting EA for the exclusive weapons via DLC. I am sure the Ubi boycotts will not work for several reasons that I am too lazy to discuss in this post. Even so, they are free to do it.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Around the Network
sc94597 said:
So you believe we should go buy these crappy games? Because what we are doing by saying boycott is saying we won't buy their games unless they give us quality.

If this is a boycott, then I've been doing it to games devs for more than 20 years now.

HappySqurriel said:
Imperial said:

There's other developers that are making {quality} Wii games , quit bitchin.

I don't think people are upset that Ubisoft is producing bad games for the Wii, they're upset that Ubisoft promised quailty titles for the Wii, announced crappy titles, and then a representative said (essentially) that their awful Wii games were there to fund their good XBox 360/PS3 games.

People are (mostly) alright with Epic's approach because they're upfront and honest that they have no interest in producing Wii games; people are also alright with Majesco's approach of producing simple unconventional games for the Wii; and people are not alright with Ubisoft's dishonest approach of promising one thing and delivering something else.

And I have no problem with this attitude. Personally, I think it's stupid for Ubi to not put BG&E2 on the Wii.

But a boycott for it? Aw, come on, grow up. 


Or check out my new webcomic:

DMeisterJ said:
sc94597 said:
trestres said:
@DMJ: You are fucking annoying, you like to flamebait and then report like a little kid, you should have been banned long ago, I dont know how a person like you is still allowed to post.
You post in a way that it annoys everyone that you disagree with.
Check out no one jumped until you posted that shit.
Shit stirrer.

 This is the word you are looking for


Hrm... I would take that, if you called NJ5 an instigator also.  Since he started the dialog.

I'm not talking about this thread specifically, but I've seen it alot by you.


It's ok, it's nice to know Microsoft will see strong casual support from ubisoft after E3 when they reveal the Xmote.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

sc94597 said:
trestres said:
@DMJ: You are fucking annoying, you like to flamebait and then report like a little kid, you should have been banned long ago, I dont know how a person like you is still allowed to post.
You post in a way that it annoys everyone that you disagree with.
Check out no one jumped until you posted that shit.
Shit stirrer.

This is the word you are looking for

Trying to redeem yourself after your last, failed, vocabulary lesson?

 I give this post a 9.2.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.