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Forums - General Discussion - What happens when the US pulls out of Iraq.

wfz said:
Every time I see the words "pull out" I can't help but think of....ah never mind. It's getting too late for me. :P

I don't know what will happen once the US pulls out, but I do have a question. Why do people like focusing on the USA's "mistakes" so much? The European countries are no saints, and there have been plenty of colonization problems (even recently) which have been pretty horrible. I understand the criticism of this US vs. Iraq war, but I don't see why everything else other countries do should be overlooked.

Anyways I'm not trying to degrade this thread, it's fine to just talk about this war. I just find it weird that horrible things other countries do is just more hush hush.

 Witch ones? Are you talking about 100 of years ago? Or now?

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I am sick and tired of our let's nuke the sob rationality then its hippie revert to pull out now bro.  GW said to an almost unanimous aprroving country "Anyone who supports or condones terrorism will face the US and its allies."  If you need proof of Saddam's atrocities, irrevelant of "how" we went in here it is (Halabja victims-March 1988):



^ And who made Saddam so powerfull?

Simply put, Saddam Hussein's brutal reign was made by the USA. He worked for the CIA before be became politically prominent in Iraq. He was one of America's closet Mideast allies during the 1980s, and received substantial US military and financial aid.

Hopefully we get out of there soon, its just a huge mess.

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^Yes, that was the case. However, we did that in response to the Iranian Revolution. Iran is a country that, like the US, excels in fiddling with foreign affairs. PS The CIA ALWAYS screws up foreign policy. That should be left to the President, Congress, and the DHS w/ ECHELON support.

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The real thing I want to know is. What do other countries think America should now? Stay and barely hold thing together, or leave and watch the massive shitfest that will ensue.

halogamer1989 said:
^Yes, that was the case. However, we did that in response to the Iranian Revolution. Iran is a country that, like the US, excels in fiddling with foreign affairs. PS The CIA ALWAYS screws up foreign policy. That should be left to the President, Congress, and the DHS w/ ECHELON support.

 I totally agree with that, in fact they are always doing the best for the USA though.

Go back to the 80's.

Who are the enemies of USA...Oh the Soviet union...Well then we support terrorists who want to stop Soviet union:

Hmm where we can find them...  AH Afghanistan!!   Bin laden yeah that guy!!  Give him a lot of financial aid and weapons.  CIA doesn't care how they will do it, attacking a school, military doesn't matter...

Scary thought is they are supporting the Dalai lama now too, even with training some Tibetan immigrants to become a soldier. I hope they are not up to something cuz end of this year I will be again in Tibet..

Oh well this vid says some mistakes of CIA:

konnichiwa said:
halogamer1989 said:
^Yes, that was the case. However, we did that in response to the Iranian Revolution. Iran is a country that, like the US, excels in fiddling with foreign affairs. PS The CIA ALWAYS screws up foreign policy. That should be left to the President, Congress, and the DHS w/ ECHELON support.

I totally agree with that, in fact they are always doing the best for the USA though.

Go back to the 80's.

Who are the enemies of USA...Oh the Soviet union...Well then we support terrorists who want to stop Soviet union:

Hmm where we can find them... AH Afghanistan!! Bin laden yeah that guy!! Give him a lot of financial aid and weapons. CIA doesn't care how they will do it, attacking a school, military doesn't matter...

Scary thought is they are supporting the Dalai lama now too, even with training some Tibetan immigrants to become a soldier. I hope they are not up to something cuz end of this year I will be again in Tibet..

Oh well this vid says some mistakes of CIA:

It's not terrorism when they're attacking Soviet soldiers.

I believe that's referred to as "war". 


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The US will never pull out of Iraq, they might hand over Bagdad to the Iraqies but military bases are there to stay.

Kasz216 said:
The real thing I want to know is. What do other countries think America should now? Stay and barely hold thing together, or leave and watch the massive shitfest that will ensue.

 Very good question, staying good thing? Well in my opinion with a huge Military NO. With just sitting there and walking around like the most of the military is doing right now is pointless and in fact negative.

They are walking around, they will start thinking, about home...., they miss it,  they get some anger,  they maybe think about their friends who died in Iraq,  they will develop a anger against the Iraq citizens (that is ofcourse normal) but what you than get is that some soldiers will crack and will mistreat some Iraq citizens (can be torturing, asking for money, killing maybe) and that will then again rise the anger of the Iraq citizens. (Happened in every war, the end of WWII (the band of brothers haves a episode about it), and don't forget the Vietnam war the amount of women who got raped is shocking).

And so far I know the only attacks now are from suicide terrorists...That is impossible to stop.  The soldiers are just walking targets. Let the American army leave and let the UN send a small army in Iraq who just defend popular targets of terrorists and a small group who search for the terrorists.