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Forums - General Discussion - U.S. Democratic primary endgame

Today is the Puerto Rico primary, which Clinton is expected to win although turnout will be very low. The only two primaries left are Montana and South Dakota, both of which cast ballots Tuesday.

How do you think this is all going to play out?  Personally, I believe Clinton will drop out this week.


Current results in delegates:

Obama 1,724.5 328.5 2,053 64
Clinton 1,586.5 290 1,876.5 240.5
Remaining 86 205 291

(2,117 delegates needed for victory

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Clinton will win

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Clinton would have to get all the outstanding delegates to win, and in Democratic primarie the delegates are awarded proportionally. There is no possible way she could get 100% of the vote and all the remaining superdelegates except for thirty. Its over and Clinton has lost.


Clinton will win in Puerto Rico, but she will drop out at the end of the next week.

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I'm really starting to believe the "Hillary Clinton ruining things for Barak so she can run in 4 years." conspiracy theory.

She just seems so harsh, and uneedingly dragging this out when we KNOW what is going to happen.

If it was a matter of getting promises on campaign issues it'd be over already as they agree on damn near everything outside of how many people should be fined for not having health care.

I could see her going all the way to the convention and being a real pain in the democrats side.  The Clintons I just feel are pissed they aren't the heads of the party anymore despite Bill being the only successful democratic president in a long time. 

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I'm vacillating between the "civil war at the convention" and dropping out next week. Haold Ickes is definitely laying the groundwork or the former.

Desroko said:
I'm vacillating between the "civil war at the convention" and dropping out next week. Haold Ickes is definitely laying the groundwork or the former.


Hah, yeah I was watching that live. Pretty funny stuff. He's good at pretending to sound outraged. "I am dumbfounded that 12 people would substitute their judgement for the will of 600,000." or whatever.

He was less outraged when 3 people already did that... when Clinton, Obama and Edwards all agreed their votes shouldn't count at all.

The arguement that "Hillary should be the only one to get electoral votes." (and all of them) was hilarious. 

Desroko said:
I'm vacillating between the "civil war at the convention" and dropping out next week. Haold Ickes is definitely laying the groundwork or the former.


Hillary Clinton's aides prepare to concede

Senior advisers to Senator Hillary Clinton have prepared the ground for her to abandon her 2008 presidential ambitions within days and not dispute the Democratic nomination all the way to the party convention in August.

Although she won by a wide margin over Barack Obama in yesterday’s Puerto Rico primary - with 85 per cent of the vote in, she was leading by 36 percentage points - the former First Lady made no mention in her victory speech of taking her fight beyond this week.

Instead, she made a final appeal to some 178 uncommitted "super-delegates" - party officials whose convention votes are not tied to the primaries - that she would be the stronger general election candidate against John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee.

"The decision will fall on those leaders in our party empowered by the rules to vote in the Democratic convention," she said in San Juan. “I do not envy you the decision you must make." She needs some 90 per cent of the 178 to back her, which is almost certainly a vain hope.


I really hope this article is accurate, a convention fight would almost kill the Democratic chances in the fall.


Ben Smith reports that some Clinton advance staff are being let go.

These are the people who prepare for campaign stops ahead of time. In effect, the Clinton campaign expects to be doing less traveling woon, while Obama and McCain are in general election mode, and haven't let any of their people go.

damkira said:
Desroko said:
I'm vacillating between the "civil war at the convention" and dropping out next week. Haold Ickes is definitely laying the groundwork or the former.

I really hope this article is accurate, a convention fight would almost kill the Democratic chances in the fall.


I'm not so sure it would.   This might end up being the first election since before the Civil War where the democrats are fight more dirty then the republcians... and that doesn't really count because back then the republicans were the democrats and the democrats were the republicans.

I mean, considering how all this has been going during the primaries.   I'd hate to see what they have saved up for the opposition party.  

Obama supporters are pretty fanatical, all the small donations he pulled in show that.  Wouldn't surprise me if John McCain was the one getting swiftboated this election.