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Forums - Sony Discussion - "MGS4 has two cutscenes nearing the 90 minute mark" - EDGE

psrock said:
just skip it, that is all.

Well if you do that then you won't know what the fuck's going on, now won't you?

Actually, that's probably still true even if you don't skip them, this being Metal Gear and all...

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i'm buying the game, but i wont be spending 90 minutes watching it at any time. Maybe , i'll watch the movie when its release in theatres.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
--OkeyDokey-- said:
psrock said:
just skip it, that is all.

Well if you do that then you won't know what the fuck's going on, now won't you?

Actually, that's probably still true even if you don't skip them, this being Metal Gear and all...

 Frankly if you strip the story away there isn't enough gameplay to justify a 60$ price here. Much of the budget, creative talent and thought went into creating the storyline and cinematics and while the gameplay is excellent it is short and in some ways archaic in its mechanics and functions.

MGS really is about the storyline, if you're not a fan of Kojima's plots then you should skip this game all together, not just the cutscenes... 

Yeah, MGS = Great Story with Insane Plot Twists. The gameplay is just a bonus :)

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

For the people who bitch about the gameplay, I think MGO will give people plenty of gameplay.


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Musouka said:
Here is what they said about the game (removed 2 points since they were near-spoilers):

- Not a game for MGS outsiders
- two cut-scenes near the 90 minute mark
- Camera flow effortless between 1st and 3rd person view
- Control system has "at last" the ideal balance of intuitvness and range.
- Game can be played for months rather than days.
- MGS4 is not the game it could of been, nor the game it should have been if you believed the early trailers (??)
- But is very faithful to its fans and delivers without equal in so many ways

Source (possible spoilers inside)

 Well for one side is sort of bad, is almost the lenght of a movie... but since is just for fans...

 The second point I think is about the graphics, the early trailers are CGI, the new ones are in-game, and there is a clear difference...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
DTG said:
Rath said:
Shutup geenie. You're blatantly trolling.

Also do you think that if Kojima released an animated movie called MGS5 anyone would notice? 3 hours of movies in two cutscenes is completely batshit insane. I may have to try this game out (never clocked a MGS despite owning the first one) just to see what the hell somebody does with a 90 minute cut scene.

I think this game obviously isn't for you then. Many fans appreciate the cutscene length, in fact there is an entire thread on gamefaq's taking signitures from people who are excited and joyful from the 90 minute cutscene news.

It's an aquired taste for sure and most players won't appreciate the incredibly long and self indulgent cinematics, but this is a game for the longtime hardcore fans who loved each game in the series, including the controversial MGS2. Personally I'm glad Kojima didn't sell out his vision in exchange for enormous profits this last game could and will report. His vision is unique and controversial, but he knows no compromise regardless of critical response and that is something to respect about him and the MGS series.

 I didn't say bad I merely said batshit insane. Which it is.

Frankly though, we need a bit more batshit insanity in the world of hardcore videogames - much of the hardcore is trending towards being stale - and say what you want having three hours of CGI in two of the cutscenes alone is not generic.

I'll honestly be keen to play, or at least watch, this game. 

1/ yes it is big

2/ yes u need time and some people will be frustated if u can't "pause"/"save" during the cutscene

3/ I will enjoy them a lot, so I m happy.

Time to Work !

DTG said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
psrock said:
just skip it, that is all.

Well if you do that then you won't know what the fuck's going on, now won't you?

Actually, that's probably still true even if you don't skip them, this being Metal Gear and all...

 Frankly if you strip the story away there isn't enough gameplay to justify a 60$ price here. Much of the budget, creative talent and thought went into creating the storyline and cinematics and while the gameplay is excellent it is short and in some ways archaic in its mechanics and functions.

MGS really is about the storyline, if you're not a fan of Kojima's plots then you should skip this game all together, not just the cutscenes... 

==> they stated u can play the game for month suggesting, I think, the replay value is huge whatever the story is good or not.

Time to Work !

FJ-Warez said:
Musouka said:
Here is what they said about the game (removed 2 points since they were near-spoilers):

- Not a game for MGS outsiders
- two cut-scenes near the 90 minute mark
- Camera flow effortless between 1st and 3rd person view
- Control system has "at last" the ideal balance of intuitvness and range.
- Game can be played for months rather than days.
- MGS4 is not the game it could of been, nor the game it should have been if you believed the early trailers (??)
- But is very faithful to its fans and delivers without equal in so many ways

Source (possible spoilers inside)

 Well for one side is sort of bad, is almost the lenght of a movie... but since is just for fans...

 The second point I think is about the graphics, the early trailers are CGI, the new ones are in-game, and there is a clear difference...

About the "early trailers", I assume they are referring to trailer that were showing Snake fighting more solider in a extended war zone bigger and larger than the street zone that will offer MGS4.

Time to Work !