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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan: Wii Sports 3 million sold - 50% attach rate

Holy crap! How amazing is this? Well, I'll give you a hint.

The highest opening game on a single console ever, didn't make 50% AR even for a single week. It was at around 49.5%, but dropped after week 5. This is America only, its biggest territory, so a fair comparison to Wii Sports.

SSBB in America, Nintendo's biggest opening ever, is currently at 30% AR, and peaked at 33%, I doubt it will ever see that kind of sales again.

MKWii hasn't even broken 20% in Europe! It will in time though.

That's how amazing 50% is.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Erm shouldn't there be some kind of time frame on those figures, because I am pretty sure LoZ:TP had a phenomenally (70%+) high attach rate for the first couple of weeks.


Wii Sports is an amazing game and deserves such sales.

And for those debating price, isn't it a common thing for games in Japan to be cut price quite quickly, so within a month of most games release it will have 1/3rd off.


Yes TWRoO, of course I took out the games that launched in the first 20 weeks of the gaming machine. Sorry for not pointing that out.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I just checked LoZ:TPs attach ratio's

WORLDWIDE ratio it wasn't until week/ending 2nd March when it went below 50%
but that was pulled down by Japan because in "others" it was 14th April when it went below 50%, while in America it took until 9th June. So it had a 50% plus attach ratio for 7.5 months!

That's pretty amazing, although it kinda shows there were no good games back then.