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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How do you make a non generic FPS?

If they really want to freshen up the FPS genre, they'll do something new like set one in World War 2.

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Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

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Original Halo was generic.

It was only new and invigorating since it was the first time something like that had been done on a console.

But halo for the PC was highly generic.

stof said:
If they really want to freshen up the FPS genre, they'll do something new like set one in World War 2.

What are you talking about Stof? they are like dozens of WW2 FPSes.


If you REALLY want to make a fresh FPS game, you should make one where Aliens are invading and you have to fight them off!



stof said:
If they really want to freshen up the FPS genre, they'll do something new like set one in World War 2.


stof said:
If they really want to freshen up the FPS genre, they'll do something new like set one in World War 2.

 World War 2 is played out in FPS.  Call of Duty 4 did something right by completely ridding of that setting

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stof said:
If they really want to freshen up the FPS genre, they'll do something new like set one in World War 2.


Edit: Wait.  The hell!?  You're back?  *Sweeps dirty laundry under bed*  Welcome back.

In my eyes 99% of FPS are generic. The genre has hit its pinnacle. The only thing that redeems FPS's is multiplayer and story. Resistance/Halo/HL 2 episodes = all generic.


PS- Gears is not an FPS

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Alien Nazis invade in the 1700s and you have to manually reload your muskets and mostly fight with your bayonet when they get too close.

OT: Go back in time and make Wolfenstein 3-D. Or make Quake, Half-Life, or Portal.

GoldenEye gets bonus points for successfully bringing the FPS control scheme to consoles, and the last 2 Metroids get bonus points for successfully implementing touchscreen and IR controls.

But aside from new control schemes, it's Wolfenstein, Quake, Half-Life, Portal.

Best level design award goes to Doom 2.

First online award goes to Doom 1, right? I forget. I played it modem-to-modem style, and tied up my phone line.

I still call new FPS games Doom clones.

Why is this thread still listing Halo as generic?

Generic is something that doesn't carve an identity. Halo is more popular than all PC shooters combined...

You people think Generic = not original for some reason.

Besides, Halo was original at the time it came out(2001). It had in depth story better than PC fps shooters at the time, it eliminated the health bar and had vehicle sections unlike any other FPS. Battlefield 1942 and all that came later...

disolitude said:
Why is this thread still listing Halo as generic?

Generic is something that doesn't carve an identity. Halo is more popular than all PC shooters combined...

You people think Generic = not original for some reason.

Besides, Halo was original at the time it came out(2001). It had in depth story better than PC fps shooters at the time, it eliminated the health bar and had vehicle sections unlike any other FPS. Battlefield 1942 and all that came later...

Half-Life disagrees with that statement.

The rest of your statement holds, though. The original Halo had many features that made it stand out from the pack. 

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